Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Surah fatiha free essay sample
Q.1) Present a synopsis of the case featuring the principle highlights of the organization, circumstance and Thomas Green’s execution up till now? Q.2) Using the 7 wellsprings of intensity clarify and legitimize which force sources Shannon McDonald, Frank Davis and Thomas green are applying on one another and why? Q.3) By using the 9 force strategies clarify and legitimize which power strategies as of now Frank Davis is utilizing on Thomas Green to impact him and which power strategies presently Thomas Green is utilizing to impact Frank Davis and Shannon McDonald? As you would see it, which power strategies Thomas Green should use to apply command over both Frank Davis and Shannon McDonald? Q.4) According to the positive perspective on legislative issues which out of the 3 positive political practices Thomas Green is utilizing and which ones he is as of now falling behind? Q.5) Which untrustworthy political practices are at present being utilized by Thomas Green, Frank Davis and Shannon McDonald? Clarify and legitimize? Are these untrustworthy political practices compelling for every single one of them? Why or why not? Q.6) Considering the authoritative and individual reasons for political conduct, which individual and which out of the hierarchical variables are advancing legislative issues in the association? Clarify and Justify concerning the case. Q.7) Has Thomas Green utilized systems administration strategy to be successful in this association? Prescribe to Thomas green how might he use the systems administration procedure to assist him with improving his presentation in the present position and improve his relations with his quick chief? Q.8) What are the conceivable hidden plans of Frank Davis and Shannon McDonald?
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Bank Notes free essay sample
Straight Probability Models (LPMs) * Econometric model to clarify reimbursement experience on past/old credits. * Regression model with a â€Å"dummy†subordinate variable Z; Z = 1 default and Z=0 no default. * Weakness: no assurance that the assessed default probabilities will consistently lie somewhere in the range of 0 and 1 (hypothetical defect) Logit and Probit Models * Developed to beat shortcoming of LPM. * Explicitly limit the assessed scope of default probabilities to lie somewhere in the range of 0 and 1. * Logit: expect likelihood of default to be strategically conveyed. Probit: accept likelihood of default has a total ordinary appropriation work. Straight Discriminant Analysis * Derived from measurable procedure called multivariate examination. * Divides borrowers into high or low default chance classes. * Altman’s LDM = most well known model created in the late 1960s. Z lt; 1. 8 (basic worth), there is a high possibility of default. * Weaknesses * Only thin ks about two extraordinary cases (default/no default). * Weights need not be fixed after some time. 3. New Credit Risk Evaluation Models Newer models have been created †utilize monetary hypothesis and budgetary market information to make deductions about default probabilities. * Most pertinent for assessing credits to bigger corporate borrowers. * Area of extremely dynamic proceeding with look into by FIs. FICO assessments * Ratings change generally inconsistently †target of appraisals dependability. * Only possibility when there is motivation to accept that a drawn out change in the company’s financial soundness has occurred. * Samp;P: AAA, AA, A, BBB, BB, B and CCC * Moody’s: Aaa, Aa, A, Baa, Ba, B and Caa Bonds with appraisals of BBB or more are viewed as â€Å"investment grade†Estimating Default Probabilities 1. Chronicled Data * Provided by rating organizations e. g. total normal default rates * If an organization begins with a: * Good FICO assessment, default probabilities will in general increment with time. * Poor FICO assessment, default probabilities will in general reduction with time. * Default Intensity versus Unconditional Default Probability * Default force or peril rate is the likelihood of default restrictive on no previous default. * Unconditional default likelihood is the likelihood of default as observed at time zero. Default forces and unrestricted default probabilities for a Caa evaluated organization in the third year Supplement point 14 by checking a blend of inward reports, prudential reports and market data. 16. Ought to intercede to require powerful and convenient healing activity to address liquidity insufficiencies. 17. Ought to speak with different controllers e. g. national banks †collaboration TOPIC 7: CORE PRINCIPLES OF EFFECTIVE BANKING SUPERVISION Overview * Most significant worldwide standard for prudential guideline and oversight. * Endorsed by lion's share of nations. * Provides benchmark against which administrative systems can be evaluated. * 1995: Mexican and Barings Crises Lyon Summit in 1996 for G7 Leaders. 1997: Document drafted and embraced at G7 meeting. Last form introduced at yearly gatherings of World Bank and IMF in Hong Kong. * 1998: G-22 supported * 2006: Revision of the Core Principles * 2011: Basel Committee orders a significant audit, issues modified consultative paper. The Core Principles (2006) * 25 least prerequisites that should be met for a successful admi nistrative framework. * May should be enhanced by different measures. * Seven significant gatherings * Framework for administrative authority †Principle 1 * Licensing and structure †Principles 2-5 * Prudential guidelines and prerequisites †Principles 6-18 * Techniques for progressing banking oversight †Principles 19-21 * Accounting and exposure †Principle 22 * Corrective and therapeutic forces of directors †Principle 23 * Consolidated and cross-fringe banking †Principles 24-25. * Explicitly perceive: * Effective financial oversight is fundamental for a solid monetary condition. * Supervision looks to guarantee banks work in a free from any danger way and hold adequate capital and stores. * Strong and powerful management is an open decent and basic to money related security. * While cost of management is high, the expense of poor oversight is considerably higher. Key goal of banking management: * Maintain security and trust in the money related framework * Encourage great corporate administration and improve advertise straightforwardness Revised Core Principles (2011) * Core Principles and evaluation philosophy converged into a solitary archive. * Number of center standards expanded to 29. * Takes record of a few key patterns and improvements: * Need to manage fundamentally significant banks * Macroprudential center (framework wide) and foundational hazard * Effective emergency the board, recuperation and goals measures. Sound corporate administration * Greater open exposure and straightforwardness improve advertise discipline. * Two general gatherings: 1. Administrative forces, duties and capacities. Concentrate on compelling danger based management, and the requirement for early intercession and opportune administrative activities. Standards 1-13. 2. Prudential guidelines and necessities. Spread administrative desires for banks, stressing the significance of good corporate administration and hazard the board, just as consistence with administrative gauges. Administrative forces, duties and capacities 1. Clear duties and targets for every power included. Reasonable legitimate structure. 2. Chief has operational freedom, straightforward procedures, sound administration and sufficient assets, and is responsible. 3. Participation and joint effort with local specialists and remote administrators. 4. Reasonable exercises of banks is controlled. 5. Evaluation of bank proprietorship structure and administration. 6. Capacity to audit, dismiss and force prudential conditions on any adjustments in proprietorship or controlling interests. 7. Capacity to favor or reject significant acquisitions. 8. Forward-looking appraisal of the hazard profile of banks and banking gatherings. 9. Utilizations suitable scope of strategies and devices to execute administrative methodology. 10. Gathers, surveys and investigations prudential reports and factual returns. 11. Early location of hazardous and unsound practices. 12. Oversees banking bunch on solidified premise (counting comprehensively) 13. Cross-outskirt sharing of data and collaboration. Prudential guidelines and prerequisites 14. Hearty corporate administration strategies and procedures. 15. Banks have a far reaching hazard the executives procedure, including recuperation plans. 6. Set reasonable and proper capital sufficiency necessities. 17. Banks have a satisfactory credit hazard the executives procedure. 18. Banks have sufficient arrangements and procedures for the early recognizable proof and the board of issues resources, and keep up satisfactory arrangements and stores. 19. Banks have sufficient arrangements re fixation hazar d. 20. Banks required to go into any exchanges with related gatherings on an arm’s length premise. 21. Banks have satisfactory arrangements re nation and move hazard. 22. Banks have a satisfactory market chance administration process. 23. Banks have satisfactory frameworks re loan cost hazard in the financial book. 24. Set reasonable and proper liquidity prerequisites. 25. Banks have a satisfactory operational hazard the executives structure. 26. Banks have sufficient inner controls to set up and keep up an appropriately controlled working condition for the lead of their business. E. g. assigning authority and obligation, partition of the capacities that include submitting the bank. 27. Banks keep up satisfactory and solid records, get ready fiscal reports as per bookkeeping arrangements and so forth 8. Banks consistently distribute data on a united and solo premise. 29. Banks have satisfactory strategies and procedures e. g. severe client due tirelessness. Preconditions for Effective Banking Supervision 1. Arrangement of sound and reasonable macroeconomic strategies. 2. An entrenched system for money related solidness strategy detailing. 3. A very much created open foundation 4. An unmistakable system for emergency t he board, recuperation and goals 5. A proper degree of fundamental insurance (or open wellbeing net) 6. Viable market discipline 001: IMF and World Bank Study on Countries’ Compliance with Core Principles * 32 nations are agreeable with 10 or few BCPs * Only 5 nations were surveyed as completely consistent with at least 25 of the BCPs. * Developing nations less agreeable than cutting edge economies. * Advanced economies by and large have progressively strong inside structures as characterized by the ‘preconditions’ 2008: IMF Study on BCP Compliance * Based on 136 consistence appraisals. * Continued work required on fortifying financial oversight in numerous locales, especially in the territory of hazard the executives. Over 40% of nations didn't consent to the basic models of standards managing hazard the executives, solidified management and the maltreatment of money related administrations. * More than 30% didn't have the essential operational freedom to perfor m successful management nor have satisfactory capacity to utilize their proper forces to make remedial move. * by and large, nations in Western Europe exhibited an a lot higher level of consistence (above 90%) with BCP than their partners in different districts. * Africa and Western Hemisphere powerless. For the most part, high-salary nations mirrored a higher level of consistence. Point 8: CAPITAL ADEQUACY Overview * Adequate capital better ready to withstand misfortunes, give credit through the business cycle and help advance open trust in banking framework. Significance of Capital Adequacy * Absorb unforeseen misfortunes and save trust in the FI * Protect uninsured investors and different partners * Protect FI protection assets and citizens * Protect store protection proprietors against increments in protection premiums * To secure genuine interests so as to prov
Wednesday, July 29, 2020
The Benefits of Using a Paper Writing Service
The Benefits of Using a Paper Writing Service Why You Should Use a Paper Writing Service Why You Should Use a Paper Writing Service It’s natural to feel a little skeptical about a paper writing service, but the reality is that sometimes there are certain roadblocks that come up that can hinder your ability to complete work on time. If it’s time to consider getting some professional help, we’re here to help you figure out if this is the right move for you. Aside from the obvious fact that you won’t need to write your essays, there are a variety of benefits to take advantage of when you have a paper professionally written. It’s Easy! Here’s another obvious fact: using a paper writing service is easy! All you have to do is fill out your information, provide the instructions and materials, pay online, and then receive your paper via email. You can have your entire paper completed without leaving your couch. You Get More Time to do the Things You Love A professional academic writer can likely complete a paper in half the time it would take you to do it. All of that time you spend typing away at your computer could be better spent working a part-time job, hanging out with your friends, or joining a club. It’s More Affordable Than You Think Some essay writing services are very affordable and can often cost you less than a night on the town would. It all depends on how many words you need written, what type of assignment it is, and how soon you need it. No More Missing Deadlines Are you one of those students who wakes up on Sunday night realizing you forgot to write a paper that’s due in 6 hours? When you have your essay custom written, you’ll never have to worry about those last minute deadline scares, because you’ll already have it printed and ready to go. Anxiety is one of the most common mental health diagnoses in college students, and not worrying about deadlines is one of the best ways to help curb those uneasy feelings. Your Grades Can Improve If you’re seriously struggling in a certain class, sometimes you just need that extra help to get a passing grade. Having a professional, experienced writer complete your paper will help you get a better mark, bringing up your GPA and keeping you on course for graduation. Try a Paper Writing Service Out For Yourself Here’s how it works: you tell us what you need help with, and one of our professional, experienced academic writers will write a custom assignment for you. They are well versed in a variety of subjects and have experience in all types of papers, from argumentative essays to research papers. Get a free quote now to see how easy it really can be! References: Brown, J. (2016). Anxiety and depression: Anxiety the most common mental health diagnosis in college students. BU Today. Retrieved from . The Benefits of Using a Paper Writing Service Why You Should Use a Paper Writing Service Why You Should Use a Paper Writing Service It’s natural to feel a little skeptical about a paper writing service, but the reality is that sometimes there are certain roadblocks that come up that can hinder your ability to complete work on time. If it’s time to consider getting some professional help, we’re here to help you figure out if this is the right move for you. Aside from the obvious fact that you won’t need to write your essays, there are a variety of benefits to take advantage of when you have a paper professionally written. It’s Easy! Here’s another obvious fact: using a paper writing service is easy! All you have to do is fill out your information, provide the instructions and materials, pay online, and then receive your paper via email. You can have your entire paper completed without leaving your couch. You Get More Time to do the Things You Love A professional academic writer can likely complete a paper in half the time it would take you to do it. All of that time you spend typing away at your computer could be better spent working a part-time job, hanging out with your friends, or joining a club. It’s More Affordable Than You Think Some essay writing services are very affordable and can often cost you less than a night on the town would. It all depends on how many words you need written, what type of assignment it is, and how soon you need it. No More Missing Deadlines Are you one of those students who wakes up on Sunday night realizing you forgot to write a paper that’s due in 6 hours? When you have your essay custom written, you’ll never have to worry about those last minute deadline scares, because you’ll already have it printed and ready to go. Anxiety is one of the most common mental health diagnoses in college students, and not worrying about deadlines is one of the best ways to help curb those uneasy feelings. Your Grades Can Improve If you’re seriously struggling in a certain class, sometimes you just need that extra help to get a passing grade. Having a professional, experienced writer complete your paper will help you get a better mark, bringing up your GPA and keeping you on course for graduation. Try a Paper Writing Service Out For Yourself Here’s how it works: you tell us what you need help with, and one of our professional, experienced academic writers will write a custom assignment for you. They are well versed in a variety of subjects and have experience in all types of papers, from argumentative essays to research papers. Get a free quote now to see how easy it really can be! References: Brown, J. (2016). Anxiety and depression: Anxiety the most common mental health diagnosis in college students. BU Today. 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Friday, May 22, 2020
Analyzing The Portrayal Of Bipolar Disorder - 2253 Words
Analyzing the Portrayal of Bipolar Disorder in Silver Linings Playbook Micayla K. Freehan Boston University Anne Sullivan-Soydan HP252: Health and Disability Across the Lifespan November 13, 2014 More often than not, Hollywood films incorrectly portray mental disorders, usually by exaggerating symptoms and stereotyping individuals with a mental disorder. For example, Alfred Hitchcock’s classic film Psycho, in which man with schizophrenia murders guests in a hotel, influences viewers to believe that all individuals suffering from schizophrenia are dangerous. However, that is rarely the case (Polatis, 2014). Therefore, it is refreshing to find a movie that accurately portrays the true personality of and individual living with a mental illness. The movie Silver Linings Playbook chronicles the experiences of Pat Solitano, a man suffering from undiagnosed bipolar disorder who was recently released from a psychiatric facility. Although this paper focuses on Pat’s experiences, it is important to note that the film not only takes on the task of portraying bipolar disorder, but also mental illness in general with other major characters suffering from a mixture of psychol ogical or personality disorders. The film opens with Pat at Karel Psychiatric Facility in Baltimore, Maryland. We later learn that Pat was institutionalized for nearly beating to death the man with whom he caught his wife Nikki cheating on him. The rest of the film detailsShow MoreRelatedHow Does The United States Media Affects Mental Illness? Essay998 Words  | 4 Pageswill be analyzed to find any indication of a shift from misrepresentation of the mentally ill to a portrayal that does not represent them as incapable or unable to perform well socially in the real world, or in a job. Shows such as Grey’s Anatomy and Homeland will be evaluated based on the correct representation of disorders such as posttraumatic stress disorder, alcoholism/addiction, and bipolar disorder. These shows will be compared to other television shows such as Saved by the Bell that misrepresentRead MoreVladimir Nabokovs Lolita Essay1368 Words  | 6 Pagesbelieve those who act on their immoral sexual desires will blame it on their illness and not their actual judgement. This has occurred in society before where criminals convicted of murder simply blame it on their Schizophrenia or Bipolar disorder. Barbara Straumann, when analyzing the relationship between young Humbert and his lover Annabel, states, â€Å"Yet, if the Annabel story is one of his fakes, it is fabricated to deceive himself...thinking about the cause of ‘the rift in my life’ giving rise, or ratherRead MoreWhy Do People Shoot Up Schools? Essay2156 Words  | 9 Pagesresult of multiple factors such as lifestyle, socioeconomic status, and genetics. There are a few mental illness that we primarily associate with people that commit these malicious acts such as; Bipolar Disorder, Borderline Personality Disorder, Depression, Dissociative Disorder, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, and Schizophrenia. We can investigate one tragic massacre that occurred in 2007 at Virginia Tech University. The perpetrator was a 23-year-old student, Seung-Hui Cho who moved to the UnitedRead MoreThe Sumerian Goddess Of Sexual Love And Warfare4034 Words  | 17 Pagesresponses to two primary questions: 1) how is Inana portrayed in various texts, and why is this significant? And 2) what can be learned about the nature of ancient Babylonian religion and its relationship to the people through her representation? By analyzing of a variety of primary and secondary sources, I propose that Inana is presented as a dual personality in a selection of myths and hymns, which both contributes to her part as the divine model of the undesirable by allowing her to deviate from submissionRead MoreStatement of Purpose23848 Words  | 96 Pagesfrom other forms of food restriction and obsession, namely the modern ritual of dieting and its most extreme manifestation, an eating disorder. Though not willing to evade those complicated (and controversial) parallels between modern and early modern usages of food and food symbolism to control the lives of women, I also wish to offer as an historian a nuanced portrayal of how early modern conceptualizations of female appetite were infused with contemporary, historically contingent notions of sexualityRead MoreOne Significant Change That Has Occurred in the World Between 1900 and 2005. Explain the Impact This Change Has Made on Our Lives and Why It Is an Important Change.163893 Words  | 656 Pagesrelevance of white ethnicity in the United States, not only regarding public activities like voting but also in terms of intimate behavior such as mores and manners, childrearing practices, adolescent styles, and attitudes toward illness, psychiatric disorders, and authority, even in cases where the individuals examined were not particularly aware of their ethnicity.70 The recent waves of migration are still too new to say anything definite based on the situations of existing migrant communities. The
Saturday, May 9, 2020
Anime And Manga Of Anime - 1627 Words
Anime and Manga According to Stewart (2013), Japanese culture is becoming increasingly popular within Western society†, particularly anime, cosplay and games. In the comic world of Japan, comic books are called manga, and anime means that animation cartoon. Manga is a visual narrative to gratify readers through the capability of its plot and characters, and many animation, movie and computer game stories are from manga. In the academic and art fields, fan culture, the majority of visual images, fictional characters plots and signs are the most attractive features in anime and manga. This subculture is popular among teenagers and young adults and also creates the unique fandom activity - cosplay (Chen, 2007). What is Cosplay Cosplay or kosupure (Japanese) is a combination words which means costume and play or role play (Rahman et al., 2012; Peirson-Smith, 2013; Winge, 2006). In the academic and popular culture field, the origin of cosplay is from Japan, that is similar to western masquerade (Chen, 2007). It is a performance art that fans dressing up and performing the roles as from comic books, movies or anime (Gn, 2011; Chen, 2007). These enthusiasts or fans of role play are called cosplayers or cosers (Ziran, 2006). Through costume, they can transform with the characters they want to become. For them, â€Å"costume therefore is a kind of magical instrument†(Peirson-Smith, 2013). In the comic convention, it not only can see the comics, anime, fictions or games, but also oftenShow MoreRelatedManga and Anime947 Words  | 4 Pages Manga and anime are popular for many people around the world and has been one of Japan’s most lucrative businesses. Manga and anime are misunderstood by some A mericans who are unable to recognize the draw to them. To understand both styles, people need to know where they came from and what makes them a preferred interest of so many others. Japanese scroll paintings called the Animal Scrolls progressed into what today is known as manga and then into anime. Animal Scrolls are from the middle ofRead MoreAnime and Manga632 Words  | 3 PagesWriting Mode: A research paper is a form of EXPOSITORY writing (informs, explains, clarifies, or defines), anchored to researched, cited information. Scoring Guidelines |6 = Exemplary |3= Developing | |5 = Strong |2 = Emerging | |4 = Proficient |1 = Beginning | Reminder: If a student receives Emerging or Developing in any category the teacher must includeRead MoreWhat Are Anime and Manga3381 Words  | 14 PagesWhat are Anime and Manga? Thesis Statement: Anime and Manga are getting a lot of attention around the world. But what is the relationship of Anime and Manga? Outline: 1.0 Introduction 2.1 Definition of Anime and Manga 2.2 Brief History of Anime and Manga 2.0 The Father of Manga and Anime 3.0 Relation of Manga to Anime 4.0 Categories of Anime and Manga 5.0 Comparison 6.3 Anime and the American Animation 6.4 Manga and the American Comics 6.0 ConclusionRead MoreThe Development of Japanese Manga and Anime Essay1150 Words  | 5 PagesDevelopment of Japanese Manga and Anime Manga is a Japanese word that is generally used to refer to comics or cartoons while Anime is a term used to refer to animation, also originating from Japan. The origin of manga can be traced to the 18th century. The word was used for the first time in 1798 in Japan to describe Shiji no yukikai, a picture book. The term resurfaced again in 1814 when it was used as the title of books written by Akinwai Minwa; Hokusai Manga and Manga Hyakujo. These books containedRead MoreHow Anime and Manga Affect Teenagers955 Words  | 4 PagesHOW ANIME AND MANGA AFFECT THE LIVES OF TEENAGERS Presented by: Paula Carmela Pascua Cheska Andador Kimberly Lourdes Tina Amper Ace Estranero Sheena Ornopia Table of Contents Rationale -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Page Problem --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Page Significance of the Study ------------------------------------------------------- Page Related Literature and Theoretical FrameworkRead MoreManga and Anime in the Japanese Culture Essay1146 Words  | 5 PagesManga and anime are a very huge part of Japanese culture. They have a long history in Japan and they have gotten increasingly popular. Even now in modern day Japan, manga and anime have become a major part of everyday life. Though accepted into many households, some people believe that manga and anime are a bad influence to the people that enjoy reading and watching them. However, manga and anime give the people of Japan a huge quantity of stories to explore and enjoy and a wide range of genres toRead MoreAnime Of Anime And Anime1212 Words  | 5 Pages                     Period 1/4                History of Anime Manga and anime are a huge part in American and the Japanese culture. Anime and Manga were once used for war, propaganda, and recruitment, but is now used for entertainment and leisure. Anime was not just created by one man but by many working together. Anime has had a long line of history causing it to become more and more loved throughout the years. It not only caused Japan a great deal of money and working jobs butRead MoreSummary : Anime Blues Con1232 Words  | 5 Pagesgrew up in, and can result in different language or habits that they pick up from family members. Children pick up on parent’s habits and preferences. For example, some children begin reading manga or watching anime because their parents watch or read it. Secondary discourses are learned outside the home. Anime Blues Con, also known as ABC, is an example of a secondary discourse. ABC is a three day convention held at the Memphis Cook Convention Center. ABC is a non-profit organization whose purposeRead M oreAnalysis Of Hayao Miyazaki Movie, The Founder Of Studio Ghibli- One Of Japan s Biggest Franchise1293 Words  | 6 Pageswas a piece of art, so much so, when it ended I had tears streaming down my cheeks and I walked crying out the theatre. That is how much it moved me, but this isn’t the only exclusive anime saga that has made me cried before, my sister being included in this culture as much as I am, together we watched ‘Blood +’ an anime romance. The end of that I’m sure I went through twenty boxes of tissues. Genuinely, it felt good to feel this kind of emotion- nonetheless; this kind of culture has made millions ofRead More The Future of Animation Essay examples1428 Words  | 6 PagesThunderCats, Ho!! With technology changing every day, a new form of animation has arisen. This new form is called Japanimation or Anime. It is slowly becoming a part of this culture just as much as hamburgers and pizza. It still has a long way to go, but it is slo wly creeping into the American genre of animation. As one writer has noted, The word Anime, contrary to popular belief, is not the Japanese word for animation. Though the word is used in Japan to describe animation, it is actually
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
We should embrace nihilism for growth Free Essays
NIHILISTIC PERSPECTIVE â€Å"Nihilism is the belief that all values are baseless and that nothing can be known or communicated. It is often associated with extreme pessimism and a radical skepticism that condemns existence. A true nihilist would believe in nothing, have no loyalties and no purpose other than, perhaps, an impulse to destroy†(http://www. We will write a custom essay sample on We should embrace nihilism for growth or any similar topic only for you Order Now iep.utm.edu/n/nihilism.htm). In a nihilist perspective, there are no beliefs in dogma, religion and other socially constructed norms and standards. Nihilists question the set of universally made way of thinking and that there is nothing real in this world. SOCIAL CONSTRUCTION â€Å"Social constructs are institutionalized entity or artifacts in a social system, invented or constructed by participants in a particular culture or society that exist because people agree to behave as if it exist, or agree to follow certain conventional rules, or behave as if such agreement or rules existed†(wikipedia.org). Social constructs are created entities in which people or groups of people perceived them to be true. Social constructs are perceived realities that are put into a convention to be turned into social beliefs. Some examples of social constructs are religion, morality, sexuality, class and many more. These social constructs play a major role in people’s daily lives. Social constructs became an integral part of people’s daily lives. These became inevitable realities of their existence. Basically, how people act are based on social constructions. Social constructions dictate the everyday lives of people. Social constructs determine how people will act and what their pattern of actions is. These social constructs are the perceived rightness of actions in a particular given situation. Therefore, people’s lives are controlled and move by social constructs. Social constructs evolve and changes as time pass by. It depends on the richness of thought of human beings. The minds of human beings are very rich and full of possibilities. People have the capability of evolving one system of thought into another. A particular social construct is not permanent and will not last forever because it only depends on the people who were the ones who constructed them. Social constructs are dynamic because the minds of people are also dynamic. What most people are experiencing now may just become a history of tomorrow. THE WORLD AS A REALM OF MEANING AND CAN BE DISCLOSED BY NIHILISM For Heidegger, he viewed the world as a realm of meanings and possibilities. These possibilities are for Da-sein to discover and the meanings are for Da-sein to assimilate. This world for Heidegger is where the Da-sein is situated and part of the facticities given to the Da-sein. This world is for the Da-sein to discover and understand. The world gives meaning to the existence of man and man is to exhaust these meanings or possibilities. Hence, the world is where the Da-sein interacts and for him to assimilate. This word â€Å"aletheia†describes the world for Heidegger. â€Å"Aletheia†means revelation and concealment which constitutes the world’s disclosedness to man. The world is the realm of meanings for man that man is always in constant assimilation. Even if it reveals itself to man, it also conceals something to man and that the task of man to assimilate and understand is a never-ending task and that Heidegger called man as â€Å"always already understanding the world†. The word â€Å"always†signifies the infinity of understanding that man is task to reveal the world, the never-ending task of correlation and understanding. Man as Da-sein is the very nature and function of man as a being who is thrown into this world. â€Å"Da†means there and â€Å"sein†means being. Da-sein is openness to the world and the readiness of man to exhaust and assimilate. Da-sein is the there of being of man, the very thrown ness of man into a particular context. To understand more of man as Da-sein, we will tackle on the succeeding parts the functions of being a Da-sein. According to the great Heidegger, attunement is man’s mood or state of mind in which affects his perception of reality. He viewed man as always in the mood and is always ready to understand reality. Man as being thrown into this world, attunement is already embedded in his being. This attunement as already embedded in the being of man girds man to understand. Given the facticity of Da-sein as being-in-a-world, he is always in the mood to seize reality or to be conscious of reality and thus constituting man’s openness to the world. Da-sein as the there of being is always situated in the world thus, a temporal being. This situated ness of man gives him ample opportunity to correlate with the world and to fulfill his very nature as an understanding being who is already attuned to do so. Man becomes conscious by virtue of interaction, which is the very process of understanding for Heidegger. To correlate with the world is to exhaust its possibilities, to assimilate its meaning. Through interaction, man becomes conscious of reality, becomes conscious of meaning. Reality is already in the realm of meanings, which constitutes the world, and it is only for man that he can be conscious of and that is by virtue of correlating with the world. To question dogma and religion and other social constructs can be a tool for better understanding of reality. As discussed, Heidegger emphasized that man can slowly reveal the reality of beings by correlating with the world which is the world of meaning and possibilities. The world has its own meaning. The nihilistic view in its proper use, such as not totally for destruction but of finding the truth behind the world, it can open man’s eye to the real meaning of this world. Man as Da-sein in being a nihilist can be able to arrive at a better truth regarding the world. The world still has a lot to give in man’s understanding of it that is why dogmas and principles of today must be questioned because it is still not in its absolute state. NIHILISM AS A TOOL TO A BETTER UNDERSTANING OF REALITY Man’s life is full of socially constructed norms and beliefs that are the ones dictating what he ought to do and act. There is religion that dictates morality and there is government that dictates who are enemies and not such as who are terrorists and not terrorists. A society is comprised of many ideas and perspectives that battles to gain monopoly. Man is put in the center of contrasting views. With the birth of nihilism, there came an opportunity to arrive in a truth wherein wrong dogma and beliefs can be erased and replaced with better ones. Nihilism can give good effects if not put in its extreme nature of destruction. Questioning beliefs and dogma is a healthy process to undertake. Through questioning, man can slowly reveal to himself the true essence of his existence. Questioning must also not be intertwined with destruction because it can be a truly great means for development and better understanding. â€Å"I hope to bring some balance and clarity to a number of realities that seem to attract a great deal of misunderstanding: [1] the very serious issues of violence in Islam [including recent Muslim violence]; [2] the abhorrence that many Muslims have of violence; [stereotypes of Islam and Muslims as inherently violent]; and [4] the larger context of violence in our world [not just the Muslim world], much of which is woven into the fabric of our society in such a way that we may not even regard it as our own violence†(Hussain, 2006). The misunderstandings such as looking as a Muslim to be violent can be corrected by the nihilist perspective. People can arrive to a certain truth that not all Muslims are violent and stereotyping can be erased. NIHILISM AS A TOOL TO END CHAOS AND VIOLENCE IN THIS WORLD The chaotic world is brought about by the differences in beliefs and norms and even in the practices of different religions. These are products of social constructions. With different beliefs and principles and with the devotion to such beliefs and principles, it brings chaos and even to violence. People seem to impose their own beliefs to other people which also have their own set of beliefs. By imposing one’s beliefs, it creates an atmosphere of competition that gives tensions and chaos to this world. Nihilism can be a tool to end all chaos and find peace in this world. People, in there different perspectives, can look at the common ground of their different beliefs. To question their own beliefs is a healthy process and even comparing their own beliefs to others is also a healthy process. This is an act of nihilism. People will not destroy their principles and beliefs but rather, developing it to be better set of beliefs and principles. One example can be seen in the realm of religion where we can see differences but looking at the greater reality of it, there are much more similarities that can be used in arriving to a better belief, a belief that can be bannered by all people from different contexts. Even the difference of science and religion, if nihilistic perspective can be used in a proper way of dialectics and questioning, people may arrive at a certain truth that science and religion has its common ground and that one will not be an opposition of the other. CONCLUSION The world is a realm of meaning and possibilities and is plague with socially constructed beliefs and principles. With the birth of nihilism, which is a perspective that most of a time attributed to destruction, the world may find better understanding in its hand. By the method of questioning which is a healthy process, people can arrive to better understanding of reality and the very principles and beliefs that they believe. Therefore, we should embrace nihilism. BIBLIOGRAPHY Bogossian, Paul. What is Social Construction. 03 Mar. 2007 http://as.nyu.edu/docs/IO/1153/socialconstruction.pdf Heidegger, Martin. The Question of Being. New Haven (Conn): College and University         Press 1958. Hussain, Amir. Oil and Water: Two Faiths: One God. Pilgrim Pr, 2006. Nishitani, Keiji. Religion and Nothingness. University of California press, 1983. http://www.iep.utm.edu/n/nihilism.htm#H5 How to cite We should embrace nihilism for growth, Essay examples
Tuesday, April 28, 2020
The Guest Review Essay Example
The Guest Review Paper Essay on The Guest I grabbed this book in the store only because of the fact that it was written in large print by Stephenie Meyer. Taste another novel of this writer has pushed me pure curiosity: what Ms. Mayer wrote at this time? And so the more detail that was hidden for so much beautiful artwork The plot is not new, and fairly beaten:. Earth captures an alien race, the people perish, etc. But the disclosure of ideas worthy of, and deserves attention. At least soulfulness missing there. As for writing style, then there is everyones favorite (or not so) Stephanie and nothing else. If we draw a parallel with the previous works, then there is some similarity planned. Judge for yourself: 1. One of the main characters is not a man from this one disaster 2. Man wants the death of beloved future We will write a custom essay sample on The Guest Review specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on The Guest Review specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on The Guest Review specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer 3. For a good end someone has to sacrifice a 3. Do girls always have a friend a man who all ready for her 4. She kind, not like the other, with the ideal values ​​ 5.Takie hackneyed things like, she rolled her eyes, repeated 25 times, plus or minus a couple of three tearful scenes for fans of this. finally, about heroes, but rather on heroin. Who would like to quote the great Russian poet Alexander Pushkin: They agreed. Wave and stone, Poetry and Prose, ice and fire Not so different among themselves. Interesting in this book is that the main character is a 2 in 1 . two souls in one body, the collision of two elements and eventually merge them together. (Honestly, sometimes when reading internal conversations Melanie and Soul, it was a full sense of whats about to begin schizophrenia). But their struggle is truly captures. As a result, we have a good, interesting, unexpected ending. I want to say that despite all the but my book like, read on one breath and it was impossible to break away, so put five minus the author. Chances are, if youve read the previous novels of the writer and you liked them, this book also will not leave you indifferent. The Guest Review Essay Example The Guest Review Paper Essay on The Guest At that time I am convinced that the first impression is most often misleading. Barely started reading the book, I pushed strange names, strange phenomena and outlandish plot. But after reading the third chapter of the book I felt brilliant. This work is very different from the previous works of the writer, not only the plot, but also by the style of writing. The guests is often used parcelling, making the book easy to read, in the same breath. In spite of this, in this work lies hidden meaning. Perhaps the world Shower consistent with the concept of an ideal society Meyer. Alien creatures conquered the minds of millions of people, but they came out good people: the world cleansed of evil, vice, greed Do not book nothing begins with the authors thanks to my mother, who taught her that in any history importantly -. love. The whole story is based on love for others We will write a custom essay sample on The Guest Review specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on The Guest Review specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on The Guest Review specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Along with all the differences of this book from the previous ones, there are also similarities -. Love between members of different species, an example of which is the relationship between Annie and Ian, Kyle and Sunny. Over several chapters heroine can not determine the feelings of the two men: Jared, who is so beautiful and unattainable, and the Yen, which is so devoted and attentive. The same dilemma was at the main character of the previous saga. When the book is finished, in the soul of the feeling that is missing something important, because while reading the reader itself is dipped into this fantasy world invented by the author sympathizes and empathizes with the heroes. It remains to look forward to the continuation of this fascinating saga and re-read the first part of the story.
Friday, March 20, 2020
Finance Assignment Essays
Finance Assignment Essays Finance Assignment Essay Finance Assignment Essay 1 Question 1 (16 points) Carol Inc is considering the following three prices to charge customers for each of the candy packets they produce: i) $2. 20 ii) $2. 00 iii) $1. 70 The relevant data for decision-making is below: Fixed Costs = $1200 Variable Costs = $0. 50 per unit Calculate the following: a) The Breakeven Point for each price level b) Using price of $2. 20 what would be the new breakeven point if (1) fixed costs decreased to $1000 all else remaining the same, (2) Variable costs increased to $0. 75 all else remaining the same. Draw a graph to represent scenario (1) and (2) comparing with the original data for price of $2. 20. [Total of two graphs] Question 2 (12 points) Greater Manufacturing is evaluating two different operating structures which are described below. The firm has annual interest expense of $250, common shares outstanding of 1,000, and a tax rate of 40 percent. (a) For each operating structure, calculate (a1) EBIT and EPS at 10,000, 20,000, and 30,000 units. (a2) the degree of operating leverage (DOL) and degree of total leverage (DTL) using 20,000 units as a base sales level. a3) the operating breakeven point in units. (b) Which operating structure has greater operating leverage and business risk? (c) If Greater Manufacturing projects sales of 20,000 units, which operating structure is recommended? 2 Question 3 (14 points) Table 13. 1 a) Assuming a 40 percent tax rate, what is the financial breakeven point for each plan? (See Table 13. 1) b) What is the degree of financial leverage at a bas e level EBIT of $120,000 for both financing plans? The firm has a 40 percent tax rate. (See Table 13. ) c) What is the EPS under Financing Plan 1, if the firm projects EBIT of $200,000 and has a tax rate of 40 percent? (See Table 13. 1) d) At about what EBIT level should the financial manager be indifferent to either plan? (See Table 13. 1) e) Which plan has a higher degree of financial leverage and financial risk? (See Table 13. 1) Question 4 (12 points) A firm has had the indicated earnings per share over the last three years: (a) If the firms dividend policy was based on a constant payout ratio of 50 percent, determine the annual dividend for each year. b) If the firms dividend policy was based on a fixed dollar payout policy of 50 cents per share plus an extra dividend equal to 75 percent of earnings per share above $1. 00, determine the annual dividend for each year. Question 5 (12 points) Mongoose Company has released the following information. (a) What are Mongoose Companyâ⠂¬â„¢s current earnings per share? (b) What is Mongoose Company’s current P/E ratio? 3 (c) Mongoose Company wants to use half of its earnings either to pay shareholders dividends or to repurchase shares for inclusion in the firms employee stock ownership plan. : If the firm pays a cash dividend, what will be the dividend per share received by existing shareholders? (d) Instead of paying the cash dividend, what if the firm uses half of its earnings to pay $55 per share to repurchase the shares, what will be the firms new EPS? What should be the firms new share price? (e) Compare the impact of a stock dividend and stock repurchase on shareholder wealth. Question 6 (12 points) Farrah Inc. ’s accounts receivable totaled $451,000 on January 30, 2003. An aging summary of receivables at this date follows: The firm extends 30-day credit terms to all its credit customers. a) Prepare an aging schedule for Farrah Inc.. (b) Evaluate the firms collection performance. Question 7 (6 points) Penelope Production Plant uses 2,400 units of a product per year on a continuous basis. The product carrying costs are $60 per year and ordering costs are $250 per order. It takes 20 days to receive a shipment after an order is placed and the firm requires a safe ty stock of 8 days of usage in inventory. (a) Calculate the economic order quantity (round up to the nearest whole unit. (b) Calculate the total cost per year to order and carry this item. c) Their supplier has notified the company that if they increase their order quantity by 58 units they will give the company a discount. Calculate the dollar discount that the company will have to give Penelope Production Plant to result in a net benefit to the company. 4 Question 8 (6 points) Hubbards is analyzing the performance of its cash management. On average, the firm holds inventory 65 days, pays its suppliers in 35 days, and collects its receivables in 15 days. The firm has a current annual outlay of $1,960,000 on operating cycle investments. Hubbards currently pays 10 percent for its negotiated financing. Assume a 360 day year. ) (a) Calculate the firms cash conversion cycle. (b) Calculate the firms operating cycle. (c) Calculate the daily expenditure and the firms annual savings if the operating cycle is reduced by 15 days. Question 9 (14 points) Table 15. 2 The company earns 5 percent on current assets and 15 percent on fixed assets. The firms current liabilities cost 7 percent to maintain and the average annual cost of long-term funds is 20 percent. a) The firms initial net working capital is ________. [Numerical Answer] b) The firms initial annual profits on total assets are ________. Numerical Answer] c) If the firm was to shift $3,000 of current assets to fixed assets, the firms net working capital would ________, the annual profits on total assets would ________, and the risk of technical insolvency would ________, respectively. [Choose either the word increase or decrease for each blank] d) If the firm was to shift $7,000 of fixed assets to current assets, the firms net working capital would ________, the annual profits on total assets would ________, and the risk of not being able to meet current obligations would ________, respectively. Choose either the word increase or decrease for each blank] e) If the firm was to shift $2,000 of current liabilities to long-term funds, the firms net working capital would ________, the annual cost of financing would ________, and the risk of technical insolvency would ________, respectively. [Choose either the word increase or decrease for each blank] f) The firm would like to increase its current ratio. This goal would be accomplished most profitably by ________. 5 Question 10 (8 points) Batik is analyzing the credit terms of each of three suppliers, A, B, and C. a) Determine the approximate cost of giving up the cash discount. (b) Assuming the firm needs short-term financing, recommend whether or not the firm should give up the cash discount or borrow from the bank at 10 percent annual interest. Evaluate each supplier separately. Question 11 (6 points) Mahogany Company is in the process of negotiating a line of credit with two local banks. The prime rate is currently 8 percent. The terms follow: (a) Calculate the effective interest rate of both banks. (b) Recommend which banks line of credit Mahogany Company should accept. Question 12 (8 points) Sky Blue Inc. urchased a new machine on October 20th, 2003 for $1,000,000 on credit. The supplier has offered AA terms of 2/10, net 45. The current interest rate the bank is offering is 16 percent. (a) Compute the cost of giving up cash discount. (b) Should the firm take or give up the cash discount? (c) What is the effective rate of interest if the firm decides to take the cash discount by borrowing money on a discount basis? 6 Question 13 (10 points) Farm and Garden is considering obtaining funding through advances against receivables. Total annual credit sales are $600,000, terms are net 30 days, and payment is made on the average of 30 days. Hally National Bank will advance funds under a pledging arrangement for 13 percent annual interest. On average, 75 percent of credit sales will be accepted as collateral. Coder Financial offers factoring on a nonrecourse basis for a 1 percent factoring commission, charging 1. 5 percent per month on advances and requiring a 15 percent factors reserve. Under this plan, the firm would factor all accounts and close its credit and collections department, saving $10,000 per year. (a) What is the effective interest rate and the average amount of funds available under pledging and under factoring? b) Which plan do you recommend? Why? Question 14 (16 points) Richmond Co. is considering two capital structures. The key information follows. Assume a 40 percent tax rate and expected EBIT of $50,000. (a) Calculate two EBIT-EPS coordinates for each of the structures. (b) Indicate over what EBIT range, if any, each structure is preferred. Bonus Question (4 points) Maryland House has just sold an iss ue of 30-day commercial paper with a face value of $5,000,000. The firm has just received $4,958,000. What is the effective annual interest rate on the commercial paper? 7
Tuesday, March 3, 2020
Using the Spanish Verb Quedar
Using the Spanish Verb Quedar Although quedar usually has the dictionary meaning of to stay or to remain, its usage is more flexible than that simple translation might suggest. Even more so than with most verbs, the translation of quedar depends on the context. Quedar frequently suggests that something is a certain way or in a certain position because of some action. Often it can be translated as a form of to be, especially when it could be replaced by to lie as in the first three examples below. Examples of Quedar in use La recesià ³n ha quedado atrs. (The recession is behind us.)El pueblo ms cerca, Loppiano, queda a 5 km, 10 minutos en coche. (The closest town, Loppiano, is five kilometers away, 10 minutes by car.)Se pudo observar que miles de peces quedaron muertos en las orillas, como consecuencia de los contaminantes. (It was observed that thousands of fishes were dead on the shore as a result of the pollution.)En ese momento quedà ³ roto el dilogo. (At that moment, the dialog came to a halt.)Ahora muchos de ellos se han quedado sin trabajo. (Now many of them have become unemployed.)Cuando terminas con una relacià ³n con tu pareja,  ¿quedan como amigos o no se hablan ms? (When you break up with your partner, do you become just friends or do you not talk with each other any more?)No contestarà © las preguntas que me hagan quedar mal. (I wont answer questions that make me look bad.)Es lo à ºnico que me queda por saber. (Its the only thing remaining for me to know.)Despuà ©s del programa me quedà © hablando con el productor. (After the program I kept on talking with the producer.) Brasil e Italia se quedaron con el 2-0. (Brazil and Italy ended up with a 2-0 score.)
Sunday, February 16, 2020
Adjustment issues of international student enrolled in american Essay
Adjustment issues of international student enrolled in american collage and university - Essay Example The researcher even figured out that adjustment issues and higher stress level were even experienced by international students who had little or no social support. The research even showed that international individuals who have spend over 6 years in the US experience less stress than those who have been there for less than six years. This is because those who have spend more than six years have learned the norms of the US society and have settled in. Students who perceive that they will be discriminated against due to their inability to speak properly in English experience higher level of adjustment issues. Students who fail to create and maintain relationships with local American students tend to experience homesickness and experience higher level of adjustment issues. Araujo conducted a literature research on the subject of adjustment issues and level of stress experienced by non-US residents who enroll in US based colleges and Universities. The variables that directly impact adjustment issues and stress level includes: ability to communicate and write in English language, support which is social in nature, time period already spend in US, perception of discrimination, relationships with citizens of US and home based
Sunday, February 2, 2020
Interpersonal Management Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Interpersonal Management - Assignment Example in an independent manner including being aware of how I can be able to manage time, do presentations and express my views and opinions to other people. These skills are vital as they assist in the development of the aspects that a person needs for the workplace in future. They are integral in the development of confidence as well as self-esteem as they allow a person to learn to be assertive and develop an awareness of the needs of other people. The interpersonal skills learnt are also important as far as teamwork and responsibility is concerned as they make it easier for an individual to manage particular situations. The interpersonal skills that I have learnt have assisted me to understand that I should not be judgmental towards other people and to share ideas while working as a team through communicating with each other (Sen, 2007). All this aspects are integral and important in any workplace, particularly as far as social care is concerned. I have learnt to appreciate the concepts that are necessary for successful and efficient group work and to enjoy group sessions while contributing. I am now more confident that I am able to contribute positively to the success of any workforce while helping others to appreciate the significance of contributing their perceptions and ideas that are relevant to the prevailing situation. I have learnt to understand that every person has a point and there are always people who are willing to learn from what I have to offer. I have developed skills that assist me to work and collaborate with various individuals in different groups where I can listen to the ideas of others while giving my own. However, I have also learnt that some people are selfish with their ideas and do not contribute much in a group settings, instead, they soak up information that has been contributed by other people and add their own ideas from there. Knowledge that is acquired from subjects such as social policy and considering the manner in which different
Saturday, January 25, 2020
Analysis of Solubility and Forming Microemulsions
Analysis of Solubility and Forming Microemulsions Chapter 5 Materials and methods to study formulation models 5.1. Materials Oils and Surfactants: Ethyl Oleate obtained from Sigma-Aldrich; FK-Sunflower Oil obtained from Fresenius Kabi; FK-MCT Oil obtained from Fresenius Kabi; Miglyol 840 obtained from Sasol; Tween 80 viscous liquid obtained from Sigma-Aldrich; Labrasol obtained from Gattefossà ©; Model API. Devices: Sartorius, Scale Extend, Model ED2245; IKA RET basic, magnetic stirrer; Thermo Electron Corporation, HERAEUS Pico17 centrifuge; UV-spectrophotometer, Eppendorf BioSpectrometer, Kinetic. Other Equipment: Magnetic stir bars; Disposable plastic eppis, Eppendorf, with volume 1.5ml; Disposable plastic cuvettes, Plastibrand, 1.5ml semimicro (12.5 x 12.5 x 45mm); Disposable plastic pipettes, Eppendorf 3ml; Metal spatulas; Glass beakers; Glass bottles with lids; Disposable latex gloves; Protective glasses, shoes and lab coat. Specialized software: Origin Pro 8, by OriginLab Corporation. 5.2. Solubility tests To evaluate which oils and surfactants present better results at forming microemulsions, we pre-selected four different oils and two different surfactants to perform solubility tests with our model API. The oils tested were Ethyl Oleate, FK-Sunflower Oil, FK-MCT Oil, and Miglyol 840. Moreover, the surfactants used were Tween 80 viscous liquid and Labrasol. As shown in Fig. 1 solubility tests were performed using the following method: Firstly, an excessive amount of our API was added with a metal spatula to a concentrate (oil, surfactant or mixture). The chemicals were precisely weighed, and the resulting suspension was mixed, at room temperature, for 16h at 480rpm, at 21 ºC, on the magnetic stirrer. Secondly, the resulting mixed suspension was transferred to disposable plastic eppis and centrifuged at 10000 g for 10min. Thirdly, a new dilution was prepared using the supernatant that resulted from centrifugation. This new dilution must be much less concentrated in order to be measured by UV-Spectrometry. Lastly, the dilution was taken for analytics in a UV-spectrophotometer, where the absorbance values were measured at 425nm, using disposable plastic cuvettes. Other materials used during the procedure were disposable plastic pipettes, small glass beakers and small glass bottles with lids. The method was repeated three times for each oil, surfactant and mixture stock solution. The dilutions were also repeated three times for higher accuracy in the results. Fig. 1. Scheme showing the solubility test procedure. In order to analyze the data, the maximum values of diluted API in the concentrate were calculated from a calibration line for each of the mixtures (API + concentrate) being tested. The UV-spectrometry measurements were repeated three times for more accurate results. 4.3. Emulsifying capacity evaluation by PDMPD method In the second phase of our formulations study, we wanted to evaluate emulsifying capacity. We used the Phase Diagram by Micro Plate Dilution (PDMPD) method that consists in gradually diluting the oil phase with the water phase in a microtitre plate. The PDMPD method is an efficient and innovative approach that allows time and material savings while creating pseudo ternary phase diagrams for microemulsions and nanoemulsions. Compared with the traditional titration method (drop method), the PDMPD method enables a more exact status description of mixtures in pseudo ternary diagrams. It offers as well the possibility of examining the dilution stages simultaneously on just one microplate (Schmidts et al., 2009). Microemulsion assays consisting of a water phase, an oil phase, and a surfactant phase were prepared on microtiter plates (96 wells) as shown in Fig. 1 and described by Maeder, U., et. al in â€Å"Hardware and software system for automatic microemulsion assay evaluation by analysis of optical properties†(2010) with slight modifications. Fig.1. Filling scheme for the microtiter plates. Inside each well, the upper value corresponds to the water phase and the bottom value to the oil plus surfactant phase. The preparation is described bellow: Firstly, the mixtures of oil and surfactants were prepared by weighing (Sartorius, Scale Extend, model ED2245), adding, and magnetically stirring the chosen oil and surfactant. The magnetic stirring process is done using the IKA RET basic, magnetic stirrer, at speed 480rpm, for one hour, at 21 ºC. To evaluate the five different ratios between one oil and one surfactant five different mixtures were prepared, as shown in Table 1. In total 20 mixtures were tested to assess the following mixtures: Tween80+EO; Tween80+MCT; Tween80+Mig840 and Tween80+(MCT,EO). For more accurate results, each was prepared and tested three times making a total of sixty mixtures made. Oil 1 Phase % Surfactant 1 Phase % Mixture 1 50 50 Mixture 2 40 60 Mixture 3 30 70 Mixture 4 20 80 Mixture 5 10 90 Table 1. Oil1/Surfactant1 mixing ratios Secondly, the wells were filled in two steps: In the first phase, starting in A1 and finishing in D4 the mixture is gradually loaded in the wells using a Pipette Research Plus, 200 µl, and disposable plastic pipette tips, Eppendorf, 200 µl. The filling process must be done with care to avoid air bubbles, which is especially hard with the more viscous oils. If air bubbles are present, the plate is not valid for the study and must be thrown away. In the second step, the aqueous phase is added, starting at D5 with 200ÃŽ ¼l up to A2 with 5ÃŽ ¼l. The microtitre plates used were Thermo Scientific* Nunc Flat Bottom 96-well polystyrene transparent plates with lids, 350 µl/well. The wells E1 to H5 of the same plate were loaded following the same procedure, but with a different mixture (different ratio of the surfactant and oil phase). Following this scheme, two fixed surfactant/oil-ratios can be placed on every plate. Table 2, below, illustrates the distribution. Plates Wells Content 1 A1-D5 Mixture 1 + Water 1 E1-H5 Mixture 2 + Water 2 A1-D5 Mixture 3 + Water 2 E1-H5 Mixture 4 + Water 3 A1-D5 Mixture 5 + Water Table 2. Mixtures distribution by plates Finally, the plates were sealed with their respective lids and were set in a Biometra, Rocking Platform, model WT15, for 16h, at maximum speed, with controlled temperature of 21 ºC. At the end of the 16h, the plates were scanned using a RICOH Aficio, scanner, model MP-C2551 with a pre-prepared marked lid. Each plate was repeated a minimum of three times and in different days. From the analysis of the several repetitions, it was determined which combinations resulted in the formation of microemulsion. This study consisted of observing the scans and attributing a 0 when a well showed turbidity and a 1 when was transparent, and it was possible to see clearly the marked dot on the bottom of the well. Two observers did this analysis and the results were crossed checked. When the sum of the three test was 2 or 3, the preparation was considered an emulsion. When the sum was 0 or 1, it was not considered an emulsion as depicted in Table 3. Table 3. Determination of emulsifying capacity of wells A1-A7 of plates 16, 21 and 25 containing a mixture of Tween80% and Mig840 (1:1). After the determination of emulsifying capacity phase diagrams were built. The software used was Origin Pro 8, by OriginLab Corporation. Fig. 2 shows one of the phase diagrams built. Each red point represents an emulsion formulation identified and each white point a non-emulsion. For each line in the diagram 3 plates were prepared and analyzed. Fig. 2 Phase diagram To develop this method, several pre-tests were made in different conditions. In the first experimental setup the vortex was used to shake 2 overlying plates, as shown on Fig.3, at speeds 3, 2 and 1 and then one single plate at speeds 3, 2 and 1, for 16h. These pre-tests showed unrepeatable results and spilling. Therefore, the method was changed: the vortex was substituted by the rocking platform. Different time periods were also pre-tested. Testing plates were set on the rocking platform for 8h, 9h, 16h, 18h, 20h and 22h. The chosen mixing time was 16h as it was the minimum length time tested for which reproducible results were observed, i.e., 18h, 20h and 22h showed the same results as 16h mixing on the Rocket Platform. Fig. 3 – abandoned experimental setup using vortex and two overlying plates
Friday, January 17, 2020
Osmosis Case Study Essay
These two Case Studies come from a National Center on Case Studies. I think that a case study approach is very useful in applying knowledge and this is what makes you learn it better. They may be a little daunting when you read them but I will help you go through them. Please ask for help so this topic becomes more enjoyable for you. Part Iâ€â€Too Much of a Good Thing Times were difficult in Habersham County. The skyrocketing prices of fuel and food were threatening to bankrupt the Johnson family’s small farm, which was no match for the multi-million-dollar mega-farms that had been popping up all over the southeast. Joseph, the family patriarch, was especially troubled by the farm’s financial circumstances. He knew that this year’s corn crop was his best chance to save the farm, and his distress was evident to his family as they sat around the dinner table. â€Å"Michael, I’m going to need your help tomorrow,†Joseph said to his eldest son. â€Å"I have to go into town to pick up a part for the combine so I can fix it before it’s time to harvest in a few months. I need you to spread the potash and phosphate on the corn because we’re expecting some rain by the end of the week. †Michael, his mouth full of fried chicken, nodded in agreement. He wasn’t all that interested in farming, which over the years had been a point of contention between him and his father. At the moment Michael was thinking more about the time he’d be missing with his friends, but he also realized how vital this chore was to his father and the farm. â€Å"I’ll do it right after school, Dad,†he replied. The following afternoon, Michael was loading heavy bags of fertilizer into the drop spreader on the farm tractor. His father’s cheerless demeanor the previous evening weighed heavily on him. Michael knew that 25 bags of the potassium and phosphorous-based fertilizer was the normal load to cover the 40 acres of corn the family had planted that spring. But as he was emptying the 25th bag into the spreader, an idea flashed through his mind: â€Å"If we need a good corn crop to make it, maybe I should add a little extra fertilizer. †Michael decided that some extra fertilizer couldn’t hurt, so he quickly loaded 15 extra bags. He was certain that adding the extra fertilizer would produce a massive crop when it came time to harvest in a few months. Michael hadn’t told his father about the extra fertilizer he’d added to the corn, wanting to see his father’s surprise over the size of the harvest in a few months. As expected, the rain started Friday afternoon; Michael was certain it would start an incredible growth spurt in the newly fertilized, young corn plants and that his family would hit pay dirt in a few months. He was out of bed early on Saturday morning, taking his four-wheeler down to the cornfields. He expected to see a vibrant green sea of young corn, extra healthy due to the fertilizer â€Å"boost†he had given them. His stomach dropped a bit as he stared out at a field of sickly looking corn plants, their leaves pale green and slightly wilting. â€Å"Maybe it rained too hard and that beat the plants up a little,†thought Michael, trying to be optimistic. â€Å"I’ll check on them again in a few days. I’m sure they’ll have perked up by then! †The next few days didn’t bring the results Michael was hoping for. The corn plants looked even worse! The leaves were beginning to yellow significantly and were continuing to wilt. Having watched his father grow corn for most of his 14 years, Michael knew this crop wasn’t going to make it. A lump was forming in his throat as he made his way back to the house, not sure how to tell his father about the corn. Questions 1. What sort of environment (hypotonic, hypertonic, isotonic) did the extra fertilizer create around the roots of the corn? 2. Keeping in mind your answer to the previous question, what do you believe caused the corn plants to wilt and eventually die? 3. If Michael’s mistake had been caught earlier, is there anything that could have been done to prevent the corn from dying? 4. Generally, people water their plants with 100% H2Oâ€â€no solutes added. What sort of environment does this create around the roots of the plant? Part IIâ€â€Too Little, Too Late Meanwhile, elsewhere in Habersham County, Tom was feeling slightly nervous as he exited the staff lounge and entered the hustle and bustle of County Hospital’s ER to begin his first shift as an RN. The first few hours of his shift passed slowly as Tom mostly checked vital signs and listened to patients complain about various aches, pains, coughs, and sniffles. He realized that the attending physician, Dr. Greene, who was rather â€Å"old school†in general about how he interacted with nursing staff, wanted to start him out slowly. Tom knew, though, that the paramedics could bring in a trauma patient at any time. After his lunch break, Tom didn’t have long to wait before the paramedics burst in through the swinging double-doors of the ambulance bay wheeling in a young man on a gurney. Edward, a veteran EMT, recited the vital signs to Tom and Dr. Greene as they helped push the gurney into the trauma room, â€Å"18-year-old male, GSW to the right abdomen, heart rate 92, respiratory rate 22, blood pressure 95/65, no loss of consciousness. †A gunshot wound! Tom knew that gunshot wounds were sometimes the most difficult traumas to handle. Once inside the trauma room, Dr. Greene began his initial assessment of the patient while Tom got busy organizing the things he knew would be needed. He attached a pulse-ox monitor to the patient’s index finger so Dr. Greene could keep an eye on the O2 levels in the patient’s blood and he inserted a Foley catheter so the patient’s urine output could be monitored. After finishing his initial duties, Tom heard Dr. Greene saying, â€Å"It looks like the bullet missed the liver and kidney, but it may have severed an artery. That’s probably why his BP is a bit low. Tom, grab a liter of saline and start a fast IV drip †¦ we need to increase his blood volume. †Tom grabbed one of the fluid-filled bags from the nearby shelf, attached a 12-gauge IV needle to the plastic tubing, and gently slipped the needle into the patient’s antecubital vein. He then hung the plastic bag on the IV stand and let the fluid quickly start to flow down the tubing and into the patient’s vein. The reaction was quick and violent. The patient’s heart rate began to skyrocket and Tom heard Dr. Greene shouting, â€Å"His O2 saturation is falling! Pulse is quickening! What is going on with this guy?! †Tom stood frozen in place by the fear. He heard Dr. Greene continuing, â€Å"Flatline! We’ve lost a pulse †¦ Tom, get the crash cart, we need to shock this guy to get his heart going again! †Tom broke free from his initial shock and did as Dr. Greene had ordered. He then started CPR as Dr. Greene readied the cardiac defibrillator to shock the patient. They continued to alternate between CPR and defibrillation for almost an hour, but to no avail. As Dr. Greene announced the time of death, Tom felt a sickening feeling in the pit of his stomach. He couldn’t believe that he had lost his first trauma patient! Then Tom noticed that the fluid in the Foley catheter bag was bright red. â€Å"Dr. Greene, there’s hemoglobin in the Foley bag,†he said. â€Å"How could that be? †responded Dr. Greene. Tom began to trace back over his steps in the trauma, trying to think of anything that could have caused the hemoglobinuria. His mounting fear turned to outright terror as he looked at the now empty bag on the IV stand. Its label didn’t read â€Å"Saline,†but rather â€Å"Distilled Water. †He looked at Dr. Greene, his heart quickly sinking, and said, â€Å"I think I may have killed the patient. †Questions 1. What problem did the distilled water in the patient’s bloodstream create? 2. What happed to the patient’s blood cells as a result? 3. Considering the function of red blood cells, why did the patient’s oxygen levels fall? 4. After Tom made his error, is there anything that could have been done to save the patient’s life?
Thursday, January 9, 2020
Japanese Hiragana With Audio Files
To learn Hiragana pronunciation, the following tables contains the 46 basic sounds found in Japanese. Click the link to listen the pronunciation of each hiragana character. If you want to learn more about Hiragana, have a look at our lessons, which will teach you each character and the correct stroke order. Learning the stroke order is a great way to remember how to draw each character. (a) (i) (u) (e) (o) (ka) (ki) (ku) (ke) (ko) (sa) (shi) (su) (se) (so) (ta) (chi) (tsu) (te) (to) (na) (ni) (nu) (ne) (no) (ha) (hi) (fu) (he) (ho) (ma) (mi) (mu) (me) (mo) (ya) (yu) (yo) (ra) (ri) (ru) (re) (ro) (wa) (o) (n)
Wednesday, January 1, 2020
Functionalism, Conflict, and Interactionism - 3181 Words
The â€Å"No Child Left Behind†Act The Effects of â€Å"No Child Left Behind†on Special Education and General Education Collaboration Outcomes: A Qualitative Study The â€Å"No Child Left Behind†Act The Effects of â€Å"No Child Left Behind†on Special Education and General Education Collaboration Outcomes: A Qualitative Study Introduction The primary aim of this research paper will be to determine how NCLB program impacts special education students, general collaboration and educational outcomes. NCLB was introduced by the Bush Administration in 2001 with the intent of improving the performance of sub groups and special populations in educational institutions across the nation. It is a revision of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act,†¦show more content†¦There is however a large body of research available with regard to the controversy that currently exists surrounding the act and the impact it may have on educators and school administrative programs as a whole. The primary reason the researcher has proposed investigating this topic is to test the notion that NCLB unfairly impacts sub-groups including special education. This despite the fact that the act was originally developed to help sub groups and special education students achieve the same or similar proficiency as their peers. During the researchers discourse and meetings with educational administrators, information revealed that the general education staff at many facilities seems to believe the job of fixing the NCLB deficiencies provided there are any rests on the hands of special Education departments and teachers. This idea need be explored, thus this research paper is being proposed. In addition, there is a great deal of debate that currently exists regarding standardized testing and the fairness of such testing relative to special Ed students. Again a gap currently exists in the literature regarding this aspect of NCLB, thus further exploration is required. Research Questions Among the objectives of this paper include examining how NCLB, annual yearly progress and standardized testing statistics pertain to special education students. In addition theShow MoreRelatedFunctionalism, Interactionism and Conflict Theory964 Words  | 4 Pagesknowledge of why people do what they do. The level of study and research on these three differ. Functionalists and conflict theories focus on the macro level; where an extensive large scale comparison of society is examined with others of the same general class. Symbolic interactionist usually focuses on the micro level of social interaction of how people act in the presence of others. Conflict Theory is the perspective of different social classes relating to many dissimilar problems and issues in humanRead MoreFunctionalism, Conflict Theory, And Symbolic Interactionism875 Words  | 4 Pagessociologist’s standpoint, which are, Functionalism, conflict theory, and symbolic interactionism. All three allow us to take an outlook on how to view the act of deviance. Functionalism was founded by Emile Durkheim, who continuously question norms and how society works. Functionalism is based on how society conformed to the daily functions of everyday activity. As mentioned in the previous paragraph, there are boundaries that are strict between morals and social. Functionalism focus on the natural way societyRead MoreFunctionalism, Conflict Theory, And Symbolic Interactionism1462 Words  | 6 Pagesmain perspectives or theories used by sociologists to analyze society are macrosociology and microsociology, but more specifically: Functionalism, Conflict Theory, and Symbolic Interactionism. First, functionalism is simply defined as: how a society works (Ferris and Stein 2016). This is a technique that is used through a macrosociology point of view. Functionalism is used to look at society as a whole, instead of paying attention to small details. By using the functionalist point of view to analyzeRead MoreFunctionalism, Conflict Theory, And Symbolic Interactionism1183 Words  | 5 Pageswill first explain functionalism, conflict theory, and symbolic interactionism. Secondly, I will explain the different causes of global poverty. Thirdly, I will collect my own data to explain poverty in one country. Finally, I will identify the idea of ethnocentric and culturally relative. First and foremost, there are three types of theories that can be applied to global poverty which are functionalism, conflict theory, and symbolic interactionism. To start off with functionalism is when a societyRead MoreSociological Perspectives Of Functionalism, Conflict Theory, And Symbolic Interactionism900 Words  | 4 PagesExplain the three major sociological perspectives of functionalism, conflict theory, and symbolic interactionism. Identify which perspectives use a macro level or a micro level of analysis. Apply each perspective to socialization. Functionalism – Macro Level – This means that each person has a specific function and that each society works together to achieve what is best. For example, my 2 boys attend a public school. The school is funded by taxes I pay as well as neighbors who do not have any childrenRead MoreThe Sociological World : Functionalism, Conflict Theory, And Symbolic Interactionism978 Words  | 4 Pagesthat to the circumstances around them (Mills, 1959). There are three main theoretical perspectives in the sociological world: functionalism, conflict theory, and symbolic interactionism. Functionalist â€Å"see society as a structure of interrelated parts designed to meet the biological and social needs of the individuals in that society†(Keirns et al., 2015, p.15). Conflict theorists see society â€Å"as a competition for limited resources†(Keirns et al., 2015, p. 16), while symbolic interactionist focusRead MoreIsis : Structural Functionalism, Social Conflict, And Symbolic Interactionism1895 Words  | 8 Pages In this paper, I will analyze a film about ISIS and explain how all three theoretical perspectives: Structural functionalism, social conflict, and symbolic interactionism. This film analyzes paper will give the reader in-depth look at ISIS and its sociological concept. On August3, 2014, ISIS went to a village at 2:00 p.m and destroyed a lot of houses in the village. They massacre hundreds of Yazidi men. They took 3,000 women and children captive. Thousands of Yazidis, who survived the ISIS rampageRead MoreTheories That Serve As Lenses For Analyzing Society : Functionalism, Conflict Theory, And Symbolic Interactionism1433 Words  | 6 Pageslenses for analyzing society: functionalism, conflict theory, and symbolic interactionism. Functionalism is based largely on the works of the sociologists Emile Durkheim, Herbert Spencer, Robert Merton, and more. According to the functionalist perspective, society exists as a harmonious system of interconnected parts that maintain a state of social equilibrium and balance as a whole. Different social elements contribute unique aspects to society, and functionalism emphasizes how each part impactsRead MoreSociological Theories and Family Essay examples1662 Words  | 7 PagesExamples of the theories include functionalism theories and conflict theory, and interactionism theory. The theories have helped examine different institutions in society and how they operate. The theories named above impact families in many different ways. The theories affect the functioning of the family and interaction of family members. Sociology and family go hand in hand and a family can not true be whole without understanding each other first. Social conflict theory is a social theory developedRead MoreExample Of The Three Theoretical Perspectives Of Sociology1044 Words  | 5 Pages Theoretical Perspectives in Sociology Nanesha Greathouse HCC Abstract This paper describes the three major theoretical perspectives in Sociology: symbolic interactionism, functionalism and conflict theory. Sociologists developed these theoretical perspectives to help explain the way individuals conduct themselves and to help us to gain a better understanding of the world around us. Throughout this paper, the reader will learn about each perspective and its origin as well as additional
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