Saturday, November 30, 2019
Movie I Like Essays - Abuse, Anti-social Behaviour, Discrimination
Movie I Like I felt that this movie was a very good learning tool. It demonstrated how stupid discrimination looked when the little third graders hated each other for the color of their eyes. It was amazing also to see the way that the children talked about blacks and Native Americans. They were only in third grade and they were using racial slurs to address these people. This shows how are society has changed over the last couple decades. Children now realize that it is wrong to talk about someone in that fashion. It was interesting to see how the third graders reacted when they had a class reunion and watched the film. They all still remembered the lesson that they had learned in the classroom. This shows how a teacher can make sure that a lesson or idea stays in your head. The teacher realized that if she wanted these children to remember what it was like to be discriminated against she had to take drastic measure. We may not let this type of activity go on in the classroom today. People are v ery sensitive today and if their child came home and said that he or she was made to feel like an outsider most likely the parent would call the school and the teacher would get in trouble. The seminar that the teacher gave to the adults was especially interesting. It was very interesting to see how these adults reacted to being discriminated against. Many of them just sat there and took it but a few such as the old woman stood up and tried to talk back to the instructor. This was a futile point because the instructor would use the mere argument against the person to make them feel like less then a human being. These adults knew they were there to learn something but they still got tangled up in the scenario and even went so far as to attack the teacher verbally. This video shows you how discrimination can destroy a group of people. The eye color just shows how stupid it is to hate someone for the color of his or her body. I think that everyone involved in this exercise came away from it knowing and understanding discrimination a lot better. Business
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Fish Gills Essays - Respiratory System, Zoology, Fish Anatomy
Fish Gills Essays - Respiratory System, Zoology, Fish Anatomy Fish Gills Not all animals have lungs. Many animals live in environments where lungs would be efficient enough for survival. Gills are another type of respiratory system, which are very efficient at removing oxygen from water: there is only 1/20 the amount of oxygen present in water as in the same volume of air. Gills greatly increase the surface area for gas exchange and they occur in a variety of animal groups including arthropods (including some terrestrial crustaceans), annelids, fish, and amphibians. Gills are typically comprised of a gill arch, which contain veins and arteries that supply blood flow to the attached gill filaments. The arches are a rigid stucture which provide support and protection for the attached lamellae. There are usually two types of filaments, which are attached, primary and secondary. Primary lamellae (or gill filaments) extend perpendicular from the gill arch. The filaments are located close together arranged in rows extending from both sides of the gill arches. With usually 4 gill arches side by side per side of the fish (Graham, 1997) the filaments form a sieve through which the ventilatory water must pass. (Evans, 1998) Each primary lamellae house an efferent and afferent blood vessel, which supplies the secondary lamellae. Secondary lamellae extend vertically from the primary lamellae (or filaments) and are placed closely together forming small channels for water to flow through. Each secondary lamella is made up of two sheets of epithelial cells with pillar cells that hold them apart. These pillar cells form small tunnels within each secondary lamellae that act as channels for blood to perfuse through. Pillar cells are used to help regulate gas exchange across the secondary lamellae surfaces. The pillar cells have the ability to expand or contract, increasing or decreasing the size of the blood flow tunnels. This allows more or less blood to perfuse through the tunnels, it also increases or decreases the channel size between two secondary lamella allowing more or less water to perfuse through them. In water with high oxygen content the pillar cells will expand allowing more blood to rush through the lamellae to pick up oxygen while at the same time slowing the amount of high oxygenated water that flow s through the channels in order to prevent the fish from getting too much oxygen. In waters of low oxygen content the pillar cells will contract widening the water flow channels to allow more water to perfuse through, while at the same time allowing less blood to move through the lamellae, for it can only pick up as much oxygen that is present in the water. Water flows through these lamellae channels in one direction while blood flows in the opposite direction through the epithelial cells. This creates a countercurrent flow that maximizes oxygen transfer. The total number of lamellae constitutes the total surface area of the gills available for gas transfer. The number of lamellae per animal is correlated with their size and activity, the larger and more active the animal the more lamellae it will have. (Evans 1998) Gills provide a one-way flow for oxygen to perfuse over them. This one way flow increases their efficiency since there is not much mixing of oxygenated and deoxygenated water directly over the gills and there is no dead air space such as the trachea in which oxygenated and deoxygenated water can get mixed. Bibliography Thr physiology of fishes. David Evans 1998
Friday, November 22, 2019
Against Cloning Essay
Against Cloning Essay During my interview with my grandmother I asked her what she thought of cloning. she responded by saying that it was not right and should be stopped. on theother hand i have a different opinion. I think that cloning should be continuedand furhter researched for we might be able to have different organs andsubstances produced in these clones. Below is the step that were taken to clonethe adult sheep named Dolly. Part 1: An Improbable Goal Scientists hoped thatcloning healthy, mature sheep, rather than just creating lambs from embryoniccells, could produce a highly specialized sheep with large quantities ofproteins in its milk. The proteins are believed to help treat diseases such asemphysema, hemophylia and cystic fibrosis. Part 2: The Perfect Timing For years,scientists could not synchronize the growth of the egg and the cell. If one wasoff- synch, abnormal chromosomes would soon transform in the nucleus and therebykill off the embryo. Dr. Wilmut achieved near perfection in the timing byputting the cells into hybernation; of the 277 eggs they began with, 247 live dthrough the process. Timing the growth in other species, however, has proved toscientists that cloning mature animals is extremely difficult; in the case ofmice, theyve concluded it cant be accomplished. Part 3: Jump-start from a JoltThough it has become a standard procedure in cloning, scientists are not surewhy an electric pulse sent to the two cells causes them to meld together andactivates development in the egg. They are learning, however, the shock doesntfully mimic the activation process of a sperm, which could explain why just 29of the remaining 247 cells live longer than six days. Part 4: SurrogateMotherhood Despite the fact that the newly formed embryo is transplanted intothe uterus of another ewe, scientists believe Dolly is a nearly exactcarbon-copy of her genetic originating mother. In theory, that means an almostexact look-alike of John F. Kennedy Jr. could be produced by taking cells fromhis skin, melding their nuclei with any womans egg that has had its nucleusremov ed and then planting the embryo in a surrogate mother. Part 5: A 6-Year-Oldin 7 Months? Scientists are eagerly watching Dolly to see if she exhibits thecharacteristics of her mother, a 6-year-old sheep, or those of her own age, just7 months. As animals and humans age, changes occur in their DNA such asdecreasing fertility and increasing susceptibility to cancer and other diseases. If she prematurely ages, clones of mature animals would be useless to theagriculture industry. Science
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
The various nursing intervention approaches to descrease pain among Research Paper
The various nursing intervention approaches to descrease pain among patients with sickle cell disease - Research Paper Example globin chain and is usually found from people of African-American, Middle Eastern, African, Afro-Caribbean, Indian or Mediterranean descent (McMahon, Callaghan, O'Brien, and Smith, 2002, 183) This condition usually results in haemoglobin with increased blood viscosity, dehydration, acidosis, or infection polymerise with less deformable red cells (McMahon et al, 2002). The symptoms of SCD which results to vascular occlusion are painful hand-foot syndromes, cerebrovascular occlusions, chest syndromes, and splenic sequestration resulting to splenic atrophy. It is characterized by the failure of the spleen to function optimally even in the first months of birth that usually leads to overwhelming pneumococcal infection, usually at 20% mortality rate for patients under 5 years old (Overturf, 1999). Since access to health care is seen as one of the main problems for SCD patients (Routhieaux, Sarcone, Stegenga, 2005), it becomes important to identify ways to mitigate its most immediate or im portant effect on patient which is pain described as chronic, acute or both. Pain management is an important element of care for SCD patients and related to pain management are to identify pain treatment, control or reduction. Quality of life is an overarching goal for sick patients even those with genetic disorders such as SCD. Pain reduction is usually related to increased patient satisfaction and improved quality of life even in conditions of disease and chronic pain (Adegbola, 2009). Chronic pain has been reported by people with SCD even when they now have chances of living a longer life (Adegbola, 2009). Use of pain relieving, controlling and treatment method for patients with SCD is then important for the determination of quality delivery of health care services. Various methods are employed in Hospitals settings to treat SCD patients in reducing, controlling, and treating pain. These are influenced by the pain assessor, patient access, affordability, availability, knowledge a nd orientation of administrator, and other factors that may be present during prescription or administration. This research will identify these methods and their frequency of use among patients 18 years old and below. -Purpose of the study The purpose of this study is to identify the pain reduction methods used during in nursing intervention and care for patients with SCD. Through identification of these methods and their result on quality of care, nursing professionals may be provided with a guide which method or methods best suit patients with ages below 18 years old. Sickle cell disease is characterized by painful experiences of patients of all ages. In the United States alone, there are about 75,000 people with SCD and that 1 out of 12 African Americans have the sickle cell trait. While it has been suggested that chronic pain is more prevalent and severe during the earlier years of study about the disease, there still are reported daily experiences of pain by SCD patients in mor e recent cases (Adegbola, 2009). The study will identify and chronicle the methods used in reducing or removing pain among SCD patients below eighteen (18) years old during the period January 2009 to January 2010 at Kendall Regional Hospital in-patient section. The findings will aid nurses whose and care providers to determine which best will fit their requirement or need of their patients aged 18 years old and below as well as inform them of available options and best practices in SCD pain management. -Specific aims The specific aim of this study is
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Comparative critical analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Comparative critical analysis - Essay Example An analysis of this fact explains that it is of the essence that the teaching and learning processed be set in a manner that will help unfold the mental abilities of the learners. Since learning results in different forms of change, it is fundamental that the learning process be created in a way that will help the children acquire a new skill. A developed learning process is also directly linked to cognitive, social as well as affective development (Daniels, 1996). In line with this argument, the teaching and the education processes need to be practical in such a way that will lead to deeper insights on the mind of the children. Through learning, the mind of the children is helped to develop. As seen in the research conducted by Donaldson (1978). Through the process of learning children adopt and learn new ways of mental functioning. In the course of learning for example, the child may learn aspects touching in culture and language and manipulate the same to developed new ways of thinking and self-regulation (Wood, 1998). Through the language structures and the pragmatic concept of the same, children in turn form new facets that shape their minds (Wood, 1998). From this perspective, it is evident that the mind of the child indeed determines the way in which they learn, think, and perceive things in their surroundings. For learning to take place in the case of the children, the entire learning and teaching process has to be active in approach. Vosniadou (2001) indicates that it is only in an active teaching and learning process that active learning takes place as well as the mutant development of children. Through an active learning process, it is indicated that the minds of the children are stimulated; thus, allows for a mastery of contents and a complete transformation of the general development of child since the building blocks of the mind have been
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Economics of Sport Essay Example for Free
Economics of Sport Essay 1. Introduction: This report will overview and discuss how stakeholders in professional sports can get as much as they want out of the sport, without too much involvement from the government. It will also cover some of the purposes of government-intervention and what they should do to keep the competitive balance intact for the leagues. There will be examples and discussions drawn from clubs and leagues in the European Soccer and also differences between how sports leagues on either sides of the Atlantic ocean works in this matter. The importance of keeping stakeholders happy is the key to on-pitch success. Stakeholders in sport are everybody involved with sport; participants (players/athletes), fans, governing bodies, financial investors and communities at large. 1.1 Background: Since the early stages of the discussion and the involvement of the economics side of the field of sports, Naele (1964) identified professional sports leagues as a different animal than any other competitive industry in the world we know today. The main focus for professional sport leagues is to provide and compromise teams to a highly competitive level where they can produce and sell sporting events to the public (Fort Quirk, 1992). Similar individual teams make up a professional sports league, that all relies to gain the maximum of economic benefits as possible while relying on the opportunity to compete against other teams to produce their outputs; the outcome will be games for the fans to enjoy. Without an organised structure of games and tables, the competitive output would not exist for sports leagues or its fans. Naele (1964) also claims that there is one main difference between a typical competitive business industry and the sports industry. He says that a normal industry gains the most economic and capital benefits while it faces the least amount of competition as possible. Simply put, the businesses are seeking to be the only supplier to the market to become the market leader and in that way earn money. This is not a preferred position for any professional sports league or team, while they rely on other teams and leagues to produce a product of outcome to make a sustainable business out of it. 1.2 Why do clubs either focus on winning or maximising profits? Models often used to discuss how sports leagues tend to behave are primarily the trend if club owners either aims for maximise profits (El-Hodiri Quirk, 1971) or wins (Kà ©senne, 2000). It is seen that the North American major sports leagues and the European leagues supports the assumptions that clubs uses a trade-off point of profit and wins (Atkinson, Stanley, Tschirhart, 1988). The most optimal for leagues and clubs should be to aim towards finding a model that balances the weighted sum of profit and wins (Dietl, Grossmann, Lang, 2011). Therefor we sometimes see teams and leagues that work after gaining profit and economic benefits for survival, and on the other side we see the teams and leagues that works towards winning as their main goal and business objective. Some owners of team are even willing to lose or invest money to build a winning team in the long run (Fort Quirk 2005). 1.3 Where does the government fit in to the market of sports? There are two main reasons why governments intervene in sports: efficiency and equity (Andreff, 2001). Efficiency reports to the allocation of production resources. That involves sharing and allocation of who does what, how will it be done and where it will be produced. In other words, government and state supplies the right people and funding so that sport production from all levels are made as efficient as possible. Equity on the other hand are concerned how the distribution of the market will benefit and gain throughout society (McWha, Smith, Clarke, 2000). Meaning that the government and state joins up to gain the participation and enrolment of sport from youth and grassroots levels so that as many as possible can get the chance of getting involved with sports programs. Government tends to use sports funding to gain a bigger and broader social wellbeing and strengthen national identities while gaining and providing the country with more talent and more competitive power on an in ternational scale (McWha, Smith, Clarke, 2000). Government bodies also ensure that rules are followed and that the regulatory framework for how the organisations operate are followed correctly. 2. Key Issues The sports culture between Europe and America varies a lot. All from regulating, formatting and design and managing are way different from each side of the Atlantic. The way that the American sports leagues are formed is that they are built as independent organisations which has an entry barrier through franchise sales. This means that a new entry to the league is only possible if a current team is for sale of if the league are in a need of open up for expansion (Cain, Louis Haddock, 2005). In Europe they use an open model, which is seen as a hierarchical structure where entry relies fully on a promotion/relegation system (Andreff, 1989). 2.1 European Football Football is by far the world’s most popular sport with over 3.5 billion fans worldwide (Dunning, 1999) The English Barclays Premier League had in the season of 2009-2010 revenues worth of  £2.1 billion, which by then was a record for the league (Conn, 2011). Now a few years later, a new broadcast deal has been signed and together with the worlds most expensive regular tickets prices, the revenues will be worth nearly  £5 million (Pantanella, 2012). With an promising and an substantial uplift of the already massive broadcast deals of the 2013/2014 season, the English Premier League will account for more then the half of the top 20 clubs with the highest revenue of Europe (Bosshardt, Bridge, Hanson, Shaffer, Stenson Thorpe, 2013). From the roots, the clubs throughout Europe is voluntary organisations. But with the new age of media, commercialisation and globalisation; the bigger and the dominant clubs are more seen as business entities with capital, a vision of profit and the responsibility of results for the fans (Boyle Haynes, 2004). According to the Deloitte annually edition of the Football Money League, the Spanish giant Real Madrid became the first European club team to surpass the â‚ ¬500 million (AUD 658 million) revenue threshold in one year during the season of 2011/2012. Second on that list is Barcelona FC with AUD 619 million and third is the English sided Manchester United FC on AUD 508 million (Bosshardt, Bridge, Hanson, Shaffer, Stenson Thorpe, 2013) With this amount of money being shoved in and out of the football organisation in Europe it is hard to see why there would be a need of government intervention other than how the regulations of the sharing of the deals will be spent. The bigger, the better and the more popular the club are, the more fans they will attract and the more TV viewers they will get (Fort Quirk, 2005). In Spain there are no regulations or laws of the distribution of the broadcast revenue at all. They are letting every club negotiate individually with the broadcasters available on the market. Since the season of the Spanish La Liga 2004/2005, there has only been one year when a team (Villareal 07/08) other then Real Madrid and Barcelona clinched the first two spots of the table (List of Champions Sport Soccer Statistic Foundation, 2013). Thanks to this system, the league has almost lost its competitive balance for the rest of the teams of the league while the two dominant teams clinch the best commercial-d eals for the league for themselves and the spots of continental competition. The English Premier League has also been dominated by the classic â€Å"top 4†teams, Chelsea FC, Manchester United FC, Arsenal FC and Liverpool FC. Since the English Football League First Division rebranded itself to the Barclays Premier League in 1992, there has only been one season where a team outside of the former mentioned to become Champions (Blackburn Rovers 94/95), and since then there has only been Leeds United that has been able to steal a top three place in the table from the â€Å"top 4†teams (Past Winners – The Football League, 2013). The sharing of the broadcast rights revenue in England is shared in three parts: 50% are shared equally throughout all 20 clubs, 25% in facility fees and 25% depending how they end up in the league (Premier League Season Review, 2011). With this numbers in mind, the money attracted to certain clubs seen as being more economically viable than others, comes from individual contracts, endorsements and overseas business opportunities and sponsorships, not exclusive from broadcast rights. This is where the problem is. A trend of overseas rich oligopolies taking over ownerships of European clubs has formed an international debate whether the ethics and moral of the competitive balance of the sport. With almost immeasurable amounts of money, a civil person can by the majority of shares of a team and transform it to a name-reputational team with gaining high-value player transfers and offers high wages (Vrooman, 1995). The government and the state bodies around Europe have since 2009 together with UEFA agreed on putting a motion of a so-called Financial Fair Play. It was introduced due to the concern of the heavy spending of a number of professional clubs across Europe, it was hoped that the regulations would eventually lead to a more ‘level playing field’ by preventing clubs with very wealthy owners who make substantial cash gifts to their club from gaining an unfair advantage over other clubs who are run on a more sustainable business model, and in so doing encourage lower levels of spending (UEFA, 2012). 2.2 Other leagues Over the Atlantic Ocean there is a whole other perspective of sports. America has uniquely formed a fundamental culture, where schools and colleges are to be the main resource of forming the professional leagues (Bottenburg, 2010). Leagues in America have the world’s most profitable league; the National Football League (NFL) that alone draws in an annual profit of over one billion Australian dollars (Seepersaud 2010) The American Leagues are seen as the most competitive-balanced leagues in the world, with leagues as the NFL, NHL, MLB and the NBA. In America they use a variety of implements of their formatting of the leagues to make it as fair and as competitive as possible. But the how the competitive balance work in practise varies from eye to eye. As mentioned before, America uses a closed league system. Thanks to that it is possible for them to use a so called draft system, where the lowest ranking team from previous season has the opportunity to choose first in the upcoming draft of young talents from all over the world. NFL, NBA and NHL also implemented salary caps, which give the teams over the league a total amount of money to spend on wages each season so that not one single team is the only one to afford the biggest names. They also have a season concluded with a knockout play-off. This kind of formatting makes the outcome each year impossible to range. Since the commercialisation of the sports imploded America there has only been few back-to-back wins in the professional leagues. There has been some dominance by teams as the Los Angeles Lakers (NBA), New York Yankees (MLB), but other than that the outcome is considerably uncertain from year to year. Not least in the NHL and the NFL. 3. Summary Since most of the European clubs are win-maximised focused teams with the main aim to survive and stay as high up in the league system as possible, the intervention of government and state should be as low as possible. For the participants of the game they really do not need any actions to be taken from the government other than regulating the safety on the pitch with guards and police forces protecting them to unknown elements of danger. They will all get paid, and if they are good enough to seek themselves elsewhere for more lucrative deals, the already government-applied silly-season and the transfer-windows will secure them and the clubs. In America the draft system and college involvement should be enough for the government’s involvement. Since the American sports leagues are working after a cartel linked system to survive and make profits, the salary cap helps younger and inexperienced players to secure wage-deals that suits them in their careers. The fans will always be together and involved with their club unless something drastic will happen. The way that government should intervene to keep fans from all levels satisfy are to maybe try to manage and put pressure on leagues and clubs to keep their gate-tickets as fair and lucrative as possible. With the draft system and the Financial Fair Play, the fans from teams and clubs that have not gained the trophies or cups recently, will be to their advantage in a near future. This will make a higher competitive market for talents and that the spread of players will be wider overall. Community will get help of government involvement of them interact and supply state and government supported facilities by bringing either existing clubs or future franchises to their community. This is a form of politic question that involves tax-money and an overall public demand. As long as the leagues and the teams manage to keep a sustainable competitive balance and a high quality outcome, I do not see why governments should interact and interfere with how the sports leagues are managed today. The Financial Fair Play is too soon to reflect on how it will work out as an outcome for the European football, but we can already see that it has marked its point in countries as Turkey and Spain when UEFA banned Besiktas and Malaga from continental competition due to overspending of their own capacity. The government should work from the community’s perspective; keep a full-on investigation and reporting about drugs and safety of players and athletes. In short, let the leagues and sports manage themselves, because in the end it is all about keeping the most important stakeholders happy and satisfied, the fans.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
What is the role of the river in The adventures of Huckleberry Finn? :: essays research papers fc
What is the role of the river in The adventures of Huckleberry Finn? The Mississippi river seems to control the form of the story. In Mark Twain’s The adventures of Huckleberry Finn, Huck’s adventure is affected by the river in three parts; These parts are before the river, on the river and after the river. Huck’s adventure is steered by the river to show that, in any story, the beginning and end are undefined.      Before the river, Huck and all of his friends are introduced, and he is in civilization, which Huck despises. Eventually, Huck his to escape. Huck eventually gets to the river, when his real adventure begins. Huck meets Jim on the island where he is hiding for the time being. This is when the river seems to start to influence them. They both decide to go on the raft, and travel down the river, unknowing of what could happen. T.S. Eliot says â€Å"What we call its headwaters is only a selection from among the innumerable sources which flow together to compose it†(154.) This beginning of the story starts in the middle, which reflects the river; One does not see the beginning of the river, only all of its sources moving together. Huck’s story is just like this. The story also develops and progresses while on the river.      Huck and Jim continue on the river as it guides them and forms the story. The river â€Å"cannot tolerate any design, to a story which is its story, that might interfere with its nce. Things must merely happen, here and there, to the people who live along its shores or commit themselves to its current†(154). The river surely seems to do this in Huck’s adventure, casting them into unsuspected adventures, introducing them to odd new people. Huck and Jim also come across problems that they need to figure out on the fly, problems that seemingly come from nowhere. The river also seems a sanctuary to Huck and Jim. These things are undefined especially because they seem random, or unpredictable. Of course, the river has these paths that it steers Huck and Jim on, and they accept them and go with the flow, no pun intended. Huck and Jim also finish the story with something that doesn’t seem to end their story- merely a continuation.      A continuation, like the river always displays because â€Å"at the end it merely disappears among its deltas: it is no longer there, but it is still where it was, hundreds of miles to the North†(154).
Monday, November 11, 2019
Process the Battle to Buy a Car
Outline Informative Process Analysis Audience: Individuals interested in purchasing a vehicle Purpose: To help potential car buyers be prepared; so, they may achieve what they want, and need in a vehicle. Thesis: There is a method to the madness of buying a vehicle; you just need to have the right weapons for battle. A. Know what you want. B. Know how you’re going to pay for it. C. Be informed. D. Take your time. E. Above all, don’t be gullible The Battle to Buy a Car After twenty-six years in the car business, I can honestly say, â€Å"I’ve seen and heard it all. As with most things, the car business changes constantly. Always inventing new ways of sell a car. However, one thing hasn’t changed. It still needs salesmen to sell their product. Most salespeople are knowledgeable, and upfront. However, it is a business. Salesmen are there to make money. Simply as that. Some just do it a little more ethically then others. This leads us, to the fast talking sal esmen. You know the type: tall, dark, handsome, and knows it all. The minute you walk on the lot, he’s on you like white on rice.Equipped with sunglasses, and a cigarette in his mouth, he’s ready to sell you everything but the kitchen sink. With that said, let me start by saying, â€Å"get armed†. Buying a car today is a battle. Being prepared will be one of your greatest weapons. Therefore, here are five â€Å"Do’s and Don’ts I’ve come up with. First, before you step onto the car lot, know what you want. What are your needs? Know what you like and do not like about your present vehicle. Knowing this ahead of time will help you buy what you want and not what the fast talking salesperson wants you to buy.I’ve seen it. For example, a customer comes to purchase a four-wheel drive truck. He’s living in Buffalo New York and gets 20 feet of snow at a time. However, instead he leaves with a two-wheel drive truck. The customer is all excited; he loves his new red truck. Can’t wait to show the guys. Bright red, 20-inch chrome rims, and only two hundred and forty bucks a month. What a deal! Unaware that his salesperson was awarded salesmen of the month; for selling the only two-wheel drive truck, the dealership has ever had.There you go. The saying is correct. There is an ass for every seat! Three weeks down the road the customer is late for work because the bright red truck, he’s only paying two hundred and forty dollars a month for; can’t get out of the driveway! Prioritize. Have an ideal of what’s most important to least important to you. Second, know how you plan to pay for this vehicle. Are you paying cash or will you need to finance. If you are paying cash, know ahead of time how much you have or are willing to spend; and stick with it.If you need to finance, check out interest rates and terms that are available to you through banks and other financial institutions, such as credit unions, small finance companies, and even family. Car dealers generate a great deal of income from assisting you with financing. The financial institutions pay dealers depending on what interest rate and term they give to the customer. You may, be able to save money doing it yourself. Third, be informed. The price is important to all of us. However, it’s not everything. Before you can successfully negotiate anything, you need to know as much about it as you can.Use all resources of information available to you. Today we have the optimum weapon, the Internet. Use it. The internet can show all makes and models of vehicles, help find the history of a vehicle, the worth of your trade-in, along with, the vehicle your interested in. Can assist you in being informed of warranties, recalls, and what problems may exist within certain makes and models. Remember, when purchasing a used car, warranty means everything. You don’t want to be stuck with a problem vehicle, and have a â€Å"thirty-seconds, thirty-feet†warranty.In addition, previous purchasing experiences can be helpful. Knowing what kind of treatment and service you received from a particular dealership will let you know weather or not to return. A return customer should also be entitled to receive an additional discount. Loyalty has its advantages. Fourth, take your time. Don’t be an impulse buyer. Never buy the first time on the lot. Take your information, and experience home with you. Discuss it, way all of your options and then make your decision. Fifth and finial thought. Don’t be gullible! Remember, if something is to good to be true it usually is.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Psychology and Biology Essay
The essay will begin with an introduction to each approach, giving main assumptions and supporting evidence. Following this, the two theories will be compared and contrasted, looking at strengths and weaknesses. In conclusion there will be a short explanation of the main areas of similarity, and differences Psychology and its many definitions has changed radically and frequently over time, as an independent area of study. There are many different theoretical views, some conflicting, regarding the most appropriate methods for investigating human nature. The approaches chosen to discuss in this essay are biology psychology and comparative psychology. Biopsychology is the scientific study of the biology of behaviour.Some refer to this field as psychobiology,behavioural biology,behavioural neuroscience.It is an integrative discipline. The study of the biology of behaviour has a long history,but biopsychology did not coalesce into a major neuroscientific discipline until this century.Biopsychologists draw together knowledge from the other neuroscientific disciplines and apply it to the study of behaviour. Biopsychologists are neuroscientists who brings to their research a knowledge of behaviour and the methods of behavioural research. They uses animals because their methods of study can not be used with humans. Comparative psychology is the branch of psychology concerned with the study of animal behaviour. Modern research on animal behaviour began with the work of Charles Darwin and Georges Romanes and has continued to grow into a multidisciplinary subject. Today, biologists, psychologists, anthropologists, ecologists, geneticists and many others contribute to the study of animal behaviour.Comparative psychologists compare the behaviour of different species and focus on the genetics,evolution and adaptivness of behaviour.Historically,comparative psychologists have focused on the experimental investigation of animal behaviour in controlled laboratory environments.Modern comparative psychology also encompasses the study of animal behaviour in its natural environment. For Biopsychology,biological bases have been found for a range of psychological disorders. Schizophrenics, for example, have been found to have different brain structures to other people, with smaller brains and higher-than-normal levels of dopamine.Looking at the chemical make-up of the brain has lead to the successful production of a range of drug treatments in recent decades that have helped in the treatment of a variety of issues, including Prozac (for depression), schizophrenia. However,The biological approach in psychology is highly reductionist in its approach to the complexity of human behavior and emotion. Reducing our feelings and reactions to robot-like behavior is not only unethical, it also ignores the factors in our every day environment – our childhood experiences and the influence and behavior of friends and media – that have been found to affect us.Many drug treatments have unwanted side-effects. Claims, for example, that Prozac can cause violent behavior after taking it, are not uncommon, so the claim that the biological approach can produce effective treatment.Drugs only treat the biologically-visible effects, not the causes of problems. Childhood experiences that cause trauma and depression during adulthood may be better treated by confronting our past than by using anti-depressants. Different with biopsychology,Comparative psychology often utilizes the comparative method to study animal behavior. The comparative method involves comparing the similarities and differences among species to gain and understanding of evolutionary relationships. The comparative method can also be used to compare modern species of animals to ancient species. The study of animal behavior can lead to a deeper and broader understanding of human psychology. Research on animal behavior has led to numerous discoveries about human behavior, such as Ivan Pavlov’s research on classical conditioning or Harry Harlow’s work with rhesus monkeys. Students of biological sciences and social sciences can benefit from studying comparative psychology. The strengths of the comparative psychology is that it is easy to find out and analyse the statistics of human psychology and the results are always believable.In addition,it is also clear to show the relationships between different variable quantities.However,there is a weakness that it is hard to find out the conclusion of the cause and effect and the experiments are always inflexible.Also,most of the experiments require a lot of manpower and material resources. If the approaches are compared in terms of the nature – nurture debate, common ground is found, both believe an individual’s personality develops as they grow, therefore, they are on the nurture side of the argument as opposed to nature, which suggests people are born with genetic dispositions and only possess innate, inherited personality. (Carlson 1990) In conclusion both have fundamental differences and share many attributes, comparative psychologists believe the unconscious has no bearing on behaviour, opposed to biology psychologists’ belief that unconscious drives are the reason we behave as we do, one is scientific, the other isn’t and they both use very different therapies to treat patients. The similarities between the approaches begin as far back as evolution and Darwin’s theory, they share determinism and both fall into the nurture side of the great debate. However, it is fair to say, that even with their many differences and similarities, these approaches have made the biggest contribution to this ‘science of the mind’ and made history with different therapeutic techniques. Reference lists Simmon Green(1994) Principles of Biopsychology. Lawrence erlbaum associates ltd. John P.J Pinel(1999) Biopsychology . A Pearson Education Company.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
8 Most Common IELTS Mistakes and How to Avoid Them
8 Most Common IELTS Mistakes and How to Avoid Them Here is a list of eight most common IELTS pitfalls that cost test takers precious points. More is less. A very common mistake is to answer in more words than instructed. If the task says Not more than 3 words, answering in 4 or more words will definitely cost marks.Less is less. The length of a written task is crucial. When instructions mention a minimal number of words (250 for an essay, 150 for report or letter), it means that any work shorter than required will be penalized.A longer essay doesnt mean a better mark. Another common misconception is that longer essays score better in IELTS. Not only is this a myth, but also a dangerous one. Writing a long essay can indirectly cost marks because the chances of making mistakes increase with the number of words and sentences.Changing the subject is unacceptable. Every so often a student is asked to write on a topic, that he doesnt understand. To avoid the disaster of missing a whole task they decide to write on a slightly – or entirely - different topic. The sad fact is that no matter how beautiful the submitted work is, the wrong topic means a zero score. Another similar pitfall is to omit parts of the given topic or ignore the guidelines in your work. Every point the topic refers to needs to be covered because the examiners will be actually counting them. A good memory can get you in trouble. Having seen that the topics sometimes repeat, smart students with good memory decide to memorize essays. This is a terrible mistake to make because the examiners are trained to look for memorized essays and have firm instructions to disqualify such works on the spot.An accent is not important. Pronunciation is. IELTS, being a test for non-native English speakers cant penalize people for having an accent. The problem here is that not everyone knows the difference between speaking with an accent and mispronouncing the words. No matter how strong an accent a person has, the words are to be pronounced correctly or it will cost marks.It is not the ideas that are important, but the way they are described in. Many students think that expressing the wrong ideas (whether it is an essay, letter or discussion) can harm their score. The truth is that no idea can be wrong and the ideas are not important on their own, it is the way they are expressed in that i mportant. Connective words: the more is not always the better. Smart students know that one of the essays marking criteria is coherence and cohesion, and what better way is there to demonstrate cohesion than to use lots of connective words, right? Wrong. Overuse of connective words is a known problem, which is easily recognized and penalized by the examiners. A word of advice: to stay out of trouble, it is equally important to be aware of the pitfalls and to practice enough before the exam. Being familiar with the structure and the procedure of the test will build up confidence and that will reflect in your score. This article was kindly provided by Simone Braverman who runs an excellent IELTS blog full of useful information and tips on taking the IELTS exam.
Monday, November 4, 2019
Business Opportunity Identification Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Business Opportunity Identification - Essay Example From this discussion it is clear that innovation forms the basis of any business opportunity. There are various factors that need to be analyzed before implementing an innovative idea. UK market is the main focus in this study due to its economic stability. Any new business start up should encompass such product or services that can cater hidden customer demand. Affordability or purchasing power is another aspect that plays a vital role while designing a new business plan. The business opportunity which has been identified is in the wrist watch sector. Watches are highly in demand in consumer market and there is more inclination towards branded items. Branded watches are usually preferred by customers due to its unique designs that are inimitable. In this segment there lies high opportunity in context of offering unique design wrist watches to upper middle and lower middle segment.This report outlines that the highly competitive UK market has different segments and middle income g roup shall initiate required profit margins for the retail company. Wrist watches are mostly preferred by adults and youth, and this is the business opportunity for the retail company to be launched. An entrepreneur starting a new business needs to take into consideration wide array of factors. These factors are related to financial and operational aspects of the new start up business. Financial factor is a major component during designing a new business.
Saturday, November 2, 2019
How important are the opinions of experts in the search for knowledge Essay
How important are the opinions of experts in the search for knowledge - Essay Example Most of the time, such claims can invite a long list of counterclaims. In search for the truth, many people often consider the personal opinion of the experts as a valid idea which forms and contribute to our development of knowledge. The problem with heavily relying on the personal opinion of other people is that opinion itself is highly dependent on each person’s upbringing, reasoning, and emotions which could adversely affect the validity of other people’s personal opinion. Even though the personal opinions coming from the experts could significantly affect our search for knowledge one way or the other, this report will discuss the reasons why we should not fully rely on the personal opinions of the experts when searching for new and valid idea which forms our knowledge. As part of going through the main discussion, this report will discuss TOK in relation to the study of human sciences, history, and ethics. TOK in Relation to the Study of Human Sciences, History, an d Ethics Human Science Sociology is basically the study on how people within the society would function as a whole. Aiming to improve the social relationship, confidence level, personal productivity, and overall experiences in the life of young individuals, the Landmark Education is offering the opportunity for young individuals to participate in Landmark Forum (Landmark Education 2011). As a non-expert in the field of psychology, it is not easy to comprehend how the Landmark Education could encourage the young individuals to improve their quality of living by merely joining the Landmark Forum. Therefore, a lot of people often misunderstood that Landmark is just a form of cult which influences a large group of people (Bralliar 1996; Lowell 1996). To enable the non-experts to gain better understanding with regards to this matter, several psychologists, psychotherapists, and psychiatrists were invited to share their personal opinions on how the Landmark Forum could serve as a communic ation link between the young individuals and the experts (Landmark Education 2011). According to Edward H. Lowell (1996) who is a medical doctor specializing in psychiatry, the Landmark Forum and other related programs offered by Landmark Education provides the young individuals and the medical professionals the opportunity to learn from one another on how one can gain independence and higher self-confidence as a result of each individual’s accomplishments in life (Bralliar 1996; Lowell 1996). Because of Lowell’s and Bralliar’s personal experiences with the Landmark Forum, these two experts were able to provide solid evidences why people should not classify Landmark as a form of cult. Considering the professional and education background of Bralliar and Lowell in psychiatry, people who reads his personal statement concerning how Landmark Forum works is enough evidence to convince the people that Landmark is not a cult. History The study of history focuses on ana lyzing and interpreting what happened in the past. Since each individual has their own way of expressing how they understand what took place in the past, there is a risk for historical experts to encounter conflicts with regards to their opinions based on what they understood about the past events. Medical history is one subject that commonly encounters discrepancy between scientific-based evidences and personal opinion of the medical experts. The problem most of the
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